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Looking for other players/a server (UK or somewhat close to that zone)

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To keep this easy to read:

  • I've got a bit of an idea on how to play (controls and some other things)
  • I don't have a mic (we can use Steam chat or something if you wish, but I don't have a mic to reply to you with)
  • Keep in mind that I'm still new to the game; I don't know things like distances I can crouch-walk at without zombies spotting me
  • I'm not into stabbing people in the back and I don't mind sharing loot with the group
  • I want to play as stealthily as possible, but again, still a nub here :P
  • I live in the UK, so the closer you are the better (less hassle with time zones that way)
  • I want to try and play as a Hero (you know, healing others in the group, not killing for the fun of it) but I honestly don't know how the game will turn out. Worst comes to worst, you'll still have my support even if I turn bandit to others :P
  • The reason I put servers up there is because it's difficult to find one I can go on (and solidly stay on) without having to spend 20 minutes finding a new one every time I leave; having one I can join most of the time without hassle would be great!

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Sounds good mate, add me on Steam with username BunnyRabbit (I have a picture of a black and white rabbit as the avatar). I'll try and get online later, but currently making a Saturday curry, complete with beers. Priorities and all that!

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you could try our community,


we are nice, with 4 clans active on our server and alot of fun.

tell ya frends, we have 2 servers running taviana, with a linked hive.

we have an active forum, and admins that are great,

free team speak servers, so you can chat with people you want to play with.

this is some of the game play we have ....



hope to see you in the field.


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After reading all this, I would enjoy to play with you if you like. Same here, started few days ago but still don't know everything ;)

Timezone is CET, so it wouldn't be a problem.

Feel free to add me on steam: zethgor

or skype: mistershice

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After reading all this, I would enjoy to play with you if you like. Same here, started few days ago but still don't know everything ;)

Timezone is CET, so it wouldn't be a problem.

Feel free to add me on steam: zethgor

or skype: mistershice

I think I've just added you (same username as your forum one, because I can't see anybody with the username zethgor for some reason)? Hopefully we'll be able to get into a server sometime!

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