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Creating a group/clan - Needs serious players. [Recruiting]

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Looking For Group A Group/Clan?

Hello, I am a thirteen (turning fourteen) DayZ player.

I've been watching DayZ for a long time, played it a while back (About two months ago) but

my computer didn't run it too well then that computer broke and a ton of stuff went down, but I recently got a new computer

which runs DayZ perfectly.

I've been playing DayZ for about 5 days now and am doing good. I have a group I play with quite often

but would like to expand that towards the DayZ community.

I'm looking for mature players who play and act smart. Not the ones who kill for no reason, but if they feel threatened

then they will open fire. That's DayZ though, you can't trust people unless you know them well, but even then.

I would be turning this into a clan if I get enough players. I think it would have a good chance.


- Mature, professional, smart playing.

- Skype ( A must.)

- Have some experience

- Not being troll like aha, I love trolling, but I hate being trolled. Haha.

- Speak English

- Be sure to have fun

- Microphone (Must)


Sniper: Over look places, watch the groups back.

Raider: Walks into the towns, loots and gets out of there.

Pilot: Pilots helicopters

Driver: Would drive the vehicles.

Medic: Would hold blood bags and such, when someone goes down - You attempt to heal them.

Support: Would use heavy guns, example: M240 on the Choppers.

Soldier: A basic infantry soldier, the main ones to guard things, kills the zombies.

Captain: Would be a trusted member, telling each of the roles what to do, including squad leaders.

Leader: Obviously has power over everything.

Squad Leader: Would lead a specific role, each Role would have a Leader.





Your experience:

Favorite Gun:

Are you patient:

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:

What Role would you prefer?:

Got a Microphone?:

Skype Username?:

( This will go into effect if I get enough players, if not it can be a group of players just playing.)


Skype: zodiac.gfx

(Theres a . between it)

If you need me any other way, then just PM me on the forums.

Edited by ImDash

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Ollie Udell





Your experience:

Been playing Day z for almost 3 months

Favorite Gun:


Are you patient:


Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:

Not before, no

What Role would you prefer?:


Got a Microphone?:


Skype Username?:

Ollie Udell

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Name: Scott

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Your experience: Had Dayz about 2 months ago, forgot steam login, just bought it again now. All in all, played for roughly 5 hours

Favorite Gun: Makarov

Are you patient: Yup

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: I played with a Swedish guy back when I first started.

What Role would you prefer?: Soldier/Sniper

Got a Microphone?: Yup

Skype Username?: Will PM if I get into group.

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Timezone: pst

Your experience: been playing for a long time now

Favorite Gun: dmr

Are you patient:

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:

What Role would you prefer?: sniper

Got a Microphone?: yes

Skype Username?: lordtrevdog

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Christopher alias Cool3303


15 3/4



Your experience:

Playing day z for 2 months

Favorite Gun:


Are you patient:

There is the right time for everything...

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:

Only with my Little Brother 14 1/2

What Role would you prefer?:

Organisation and Medic (Being Responsible for supplies including medical equipment)

Got a Microphone?:


Skype Username?:


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Name: Ryan

Age: 16

Timezone: UK / GMT

Your experience: Only Two Days To Be Honest

Favorite Gun: Dont have one

Are you patient: Depends On The Situation

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Yep

What Role would you prefer?: Recon, Scavenger, Driver

Got a Microphone?: Yep

Skype Username?: Reconryan.

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Name: Sandro Cruz

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT+8

Your experience: 8 months

Favorite Gun: I have multiple top 3 would be DMR, CZ550, and an AK

Are you patient: yes i can sit in one spot for hours

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Yup a bandit group, they all died though cause we got split up

What Role would you prefer?: Sniper, raider, or a driver.

Got a Microphone?: Yup

Skype Username?: Ill pm you

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Name: Jake

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Your experience: Like you I've been playing for around a week and have died a couple times and have really learned how things work.

Favorite Gun: M4A1 CCO SD

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope but I play wasteland a fair amount and work well with groups

What Role would you prefer?: Raider or Soldier

Got a Microphone?: Yup

Skype Username?: I'll PM you if you accept :)

Edited by Experiment47

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Name: Benas



Your experience:3-4 weaks

Favorite Gun: FN FAL AN/PVS-4

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: No (thats why i'm looking one :P )

What Role would you prefer?: Any :)

Got a Microphone?: Yeh

Skype Username?: benasbenas9

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Name: Jordan

Age: 13

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Your experience: 200+ hours

Favorite Gun: M1014 with pellets/ M14 aim/ AKM

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Many

What Role would you prefer?: I fell I can do any besides a Leader

Got a Microphone?: Turtle Beach X12 Headset

Skype Username?: zOmnicyde

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Name: My name is Matthew Headon

Age: I am 16 years old

Timezone: GMT London

Your experience: I have had the game fully to myself with my own account for just over a month, but before i have played on many times of my friends accounts.

Favorite Gun: Personally i like the M14 AIM, but i dont mind using long ranges weapons altogether.

Are you patient: I can be at most times, depends on the situation.

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: I havent been in a group, but i have played with 3 friends for a long time.

What Role would you prefer?: I like to lookout from top mountains and into towns, so i would say the sniper

Got a Microphone?: Yes, i have good quality microphone

Skype Username?: My skype username is HeadonBeast

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My brothers AppMy MMMM


My Brothers App

Name: Jeffery

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Your experience: I've played DayZ some and have gotten a good feel of the controls, now I just need some experience with a group to better learn how to play the game.

Favorite Gun: ...Any gun I can find, and has bullets.

Are you patient: I can usually wait for about 5 minutes, but I like to keep moving around.

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope, but I have played a lot of wasteland.

NopeWhat Role would you prefer?: Raider

Got a Microphone?: Yes

Skype Username?: I don't really like Skype but I'll make one if I get accepted.

Edited by Experiment47

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I will be personal messaging each of you as if you are going to be accepted, or rejected.

I'll review these now.

Thank you for your interest.

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Name:Demonic(i will tell u my real name if i get accepted)



Your experience:3 weeks

Favorite Gun:AS50

Are you patient:Yep

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: a little

What Role would you prefer?:Driver/Sniper

Got a Microphone?:Yep

Skype Username?:zavolonisminecraft

Edited by Demonic Angel

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Name: Rapotin (don't want to use my real name on a public forum)

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT +2

Your experience: 3-4 Months

Favorite Gun: M24, DMR, AS50

Are you patient: I have sat 2 hours overwatching nw airfield so probably:)

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Ive always played in a group discluding times no-one was online.

What Role would you prefer?: Sniper, tho i'd love to try something else if you have the need

Got a Microphone?: Yes

Skype Username?: Enquilibrium

Steam: Rapotin

Also if i don't get in the clan i want people that would like to play with me in the standalone to add me:)

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Name:Denis (But i prefer being called Bear)

Age:14, Turning 15 in march

Timezone:GMT +1

Your experience:I have played dayz for a long time, but never played in a group (i'm one of these lonely survivors)

Favorite Gun: I would say M24 or the CZ 550

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ:Nope

What Role would you prefer?:Sniper or Raider

Got a Microphone?: Yes

Skype Username?: barbatron1

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Name: Ren

Age: 17

Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Your experience: Just started like 1 day ago ><

Favorite Gun: I have yet to decide.

Are you patient: Yep. Very patient.

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: No

What Role would you prefer?: Well I tend to do a lot of stealth in most games so I'm guessing perhaps sniping?

Got a Microphone?: Yes

Skype Username?: Sharugami

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Name: Haze

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT

Your experience: 7 Months

Favorite Gun: AS50/DSR/ any assualt rifle

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Yes

What Role would you prefer?: Sniper/Driver/Pilot

Got a Microphone?: Yes

Skype Username?: asphyxiatedjag

Edited by asphyxiate

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Name: Josh

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT, England

Your experience: I have been playing DayZ for 8 months, I installed the mod 7 days after April 13th (Alpha Released)

Are you patient: If the situation presents itself, yes i can.

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Yes, but that included my friends that were so damn awful and didn't know the meaning of being quiet to evade detection.

What Role would you prefer?: I could fill in for a Sniper, Pilot, Captain or Leader. I will go on to say that I think you should take into account that most people are going to say that they can fly helicopters just to trol or because they seem the best roles!

Got a Microphone?: Yes.

Skype Username?: joshclaxton247

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Name: Taski

Age: 16

Timezone: Gmt

Your experience: been playing for a month now

Favorite Gun: Fn fal

Are you patient: Yes

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope

What Role would you prefer?: raider pilot medic

Got a Microphone?:

Skype Username?:

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Name: john (john55223 in the game)

Age: 14

Timezone: EST (East Coast of United States)

Your experience: I have played for at least 2 months

Favorite Gun: M107

Are you patient: No sniper can be impatient

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Not a good group....:

one group was a bunch of hackers, I left immediately.

Another group was EU based, and had only 1 US member, so I said my good byes

Applied for another group, got approved, but recieved no other information

What Role would you prefer?: Pilot, Sniper, Driver

Got a Microphone?: Indeed my good friend (hopefully friend haha)

Skype Username?: john55223

Edited by gloopsgf

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Name: Clark

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

Your experience: Months of gameplay

Favorite Gun: AKM or M4A1 CCO SD

Are you patient: Yes, Very

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Been in many, looking for a more permanent, more mature approach.

What Role would you prefer?: Raider or Medic

Got a Microphone?: Yes i do

Skype Username?: Thatfreshbiscuit

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  On 1/2/2013 at 7:10 PM, Joshuaa said:

Name: Josh

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT, England

Your experience: I have been playing DayZ for 8 months, I installed the mod 7 days after April 13th (Alpha Released)

Are you patient: If the situation presents itself, yes i can.

Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Yes, but that included my friends that were so damn awful and didn't know the meaning of being quiet to evade detection.

What Role would you prefer?: I could fill in for a Sniper, Pilot, Captain or Leader. I will go on to say that I think you should take into account that most people are going to say that they can fly helicopters just to trol or because they seem the best roles!

Got a Microphone?: Yes.

Skype Username?: joshclaxton247

Just realised the favourite weapon didn't post: My very weapon has to be the M24 or the DMR!

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