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When was the first time YOU killed someone in DayZ?

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So, the first time I killed someone in DayZ was in Elektro.

I had just spawned, and found some basic supplies and a double-barrelled shotgun, when I heard a bus driving through Elektro honking the horn. So I immediately got out of the building I was looting and started asking him over voice chat if he could give me a ride and he typed back in chat saying Yes.

So I hopped on, and he drove us out of Elektro and a few minutes later suddenly just stops the bus and gets out for no reason, he didn't say anything either. So I took advantage of this, got out the bus and filled his head with lead and stole the bus. It was pretty funny after too, since he wouldn't stop raging over the Side Chat.

So when was the first time you killed someone in DayZ?

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Double homicide at Novy Sobor tents with a Mk 48 providing over watch for a group I joined. Had two blokes held up in a tent and we were trying to make them surrender. I emptied a belt into the tent after they were non-compliant and ended the stand off.

Before that I was a very friendly player, the rest has been a slow but steady descent into the dark side of banditry.

Yeah, stealing and killing are a huge rush. I wish I'd started at a much younger age. I caught the fever!

Edited by grylsyjaeger
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Those fucking adrenaline rushes when you're in an intense firefight, they're awesome aren't they xD

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I think I was waiting in the grass for nearly twenty minutes during that stand off before shooting and it was the most jittery twenty minutes I can recall in my gaming history.

Any other game you see a player and it's just business as usual. But DayZ still gets me nervous with each encounter.

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I was in cherno with two friends. When suddenly we see BIG beams of light (the flashlight glitch) so we go there... The light is coming from the market. We camp outside covering all the entrance/exit. When suddenly a guys with a m4 holo fire in Full auto in our direction. We freak out, start shooting(we still don't know where it's coming from because it's night). One of my friend dies, everyone stop shooting. Me and my friend scan around the market WHEN I fall face to face with the guy I start shooting BAM BAM BAM BAM! He dies. Ohhh it was intense. He had a m4 holo, gps, nightvision, dmr, the backpack better than alice pack. Yep nice loot, But one of my friend still died luckily he only had a double barrel shotgun.

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I was in cherno with two friends. When suddenly we see BIG beams of light (the flashlight glitch) so we go there... The light is coming from the market. We camp outside covering all the entrance/exit. When suddenly a guys with a m4 holo fire in Full auto in our direction. We freak out, start shooting(we still don't know where it's coming from because it's night). One of my friend dies, everyone stop shooting. Me and my friend scan around the market WHEN I fall face to face with the guy I start shooting BAM BAM BAM BAM! He dies. Ohhh it was intense. He had a m4 holo, gps, nightvision, dmr, the backpack better than alice pack. Yep nice loot, But one of my friend still died luckily he only had a double barrel shotgun.

That is really good loot.

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I actually made a thread about my first kill, and I'll tell it in short but here's the link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109168-a-cruel-mistress/

I was in Elektro, which in DayZ terms is like saying "One time at band camp..." and I had just finished looting the office/school. Looking both ways whilst holding shift and crossing the street, I cross my fingers and hope that no zombies will see me as I go into the pub.

I heard a growl, and ran up inside.

Getting on the stairs, I aim my gun down at the door, waiting for my train to come into the station. I see a zombie run past the door. This was not good.

Anylitics have always been my friend. Here, I knew it was not my zombie I agro'd because it would not have behaved that way. Also, I did my best not to attract attention to myself, so a zombie seeing me would have been quite curious.

Sure enough, a man with an AK comes bursting through the door. Checking the room to his right, he merely glanced as he went up the stairs, zombies at his heels. If not for this pressure, I might well have not survived that encounter.

In less than a second, the man was at my face. In less than another, I had fired half my clip into his body, and watched him fall over in a bloody hump. Somehow, he had managed to fire at me as well, in fact, WHILE I was putting bullets into him.

The zombies now climbed the stairs, and I crawled into the hallway with broken legs, hoping they would just turn and leave. My flashing red blood was not just for show. They did, and I made my way down the stairs. I took the man's AK, his M1911, some of his tools, and a morphine injector.

Back on my feet, I continued on, somewhat saddened at the fact a man trying to kill me had to have a survivor skin, but proud that I had held my ground and did what I had to do to survive.

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Shit aim but it did count as a bandit kill. Died soon after that, didn't find enough food and passed out in the middle of a street

Edited by Chips-
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Still haunts me to this day shot a man in the dark at the electro power station. He was setting up barbed wire when I entered the firehouse and looked harmless I'd been living in the woods for two weeks and hadnt seen anyplayers I approached and tried to speak with him. He turned said nothing and began to fire from an m4 in my direction hitting me once and I crossbowed him. I stood there in amusement and shock overhelmed by guilt as he fell to the ground blood spraying out his neck. Looted him for the abundance of items and returned to the woods and lived alone for another few days until I was over run by a ural full of gentlemen in camo clothing outside vybor.

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Yesterday, in the barn beside the church on the outskirts of Cherno.

I had a bad run the last few hours by being killed by everyone, so I had pretty much lost all faith in humanity by then.

I had run up the stairs, and found a sniper rifle. (Az550? I only just started playing a couple days ago, not too familiar with all the weapons yet.)

Low and behold.... A gentleman named Steven had walked in behind me, and was crawling up the stairs to loot the Lee Enfield that was there.

I didn't take any chances, so I blew him away... which, is how I learned how dangerous a horde of aggro'd Zombies can be.

After wasting all my ammo, bandages and cooked meat... I somehow managed to escape with about 20 of the dead S.O.B.'s still 'alive' in the farm.

Rest in peace, Steven.. I'll never forget. =(

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First 15 minutes i ever played, i spawned near balota, hit the military tents while a friend drove to get me. Found a AKM and some ammo and a G17, ran to the airfield and found 3 guys standing in the ATC. Gave each a burst to the head in rapid succession and my first kill had been commited. Starting out is much easier when you played the game for years before.

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Yesterday, in the barn beside the church on the outskirts of Cherno.

I had a bad run the last few hours by being killed by everyone, so I had pretty much lost all faith in humanity by then.

I had run up the stairs, and found a sniper rifle. (Az550? I only just started playing a couple days ago, not too familiar with all the weapons yet.)

Low and behold.... A gentleman named Steven had walked in behind me, and was crawling up the stairs to loot the Lee Enfield that was there.

I didn't take any chances, so I blew him away... which, is how I learned how dangerous a horde of aggro'd Zombies can be.

After wasting all my ammo, bandages and cooked meat... I somehow managed to escape with about 20 of the dead S.O.B.'s still 'alive' in the farm.

Rest in peace, Steven.. I'll never forget. =(

The AS50 is the best fucking sniper rifle in the game, lol

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actually just the other day, at NW airfield. i'd just logged in at the control tower, first thing to do was run upstairs and scope the strip for signs of zombies or banditry. couple of undead milling about, nothing unusual. then someone comes sprinting from benind the barracks across the strip towards the tower.

i didn't have time to decide if he'd seen me or not, so rather than hide and wait for him i pegged it down the stairs and almost ran straight into him. i guess i panicked, and unloaded in his face. he definetely either shot first or had time to shoot back, as i then hit the deck, bleeding with a broken leg. luckily i had enough meds to heal up.

one of those han/greebo situations where i'll always be wondering if he shot first, or returned fire.

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Before my first kill, I was uncomfortable even shooting in the direction of another survivor. I usually got close to other survivors to ask their intentions, deeming them either simple survivors, or killers. Usually, my friend was sniping the hills of the area I was situated in.. I gave him the signal if they were baddies or not, and he would off them, help them, or leave them be depending on the situation. One day, in Stary Sobor, my sniper friend and I were simply looking for food and drink as we were already completely filled with military grade loot, but low on food supplies. I had an L85 AWS scoping the area whilst my friend went into the town in search of food. All of a sudden, a man in camouflage clothing runs directly in front of me, aiming at my friend with an M24 rifle. I shot him in the back of the head with a single bullet. Instantly killing him.

As I remember it, I was much more tore up about the situation than the man I killed. I still don't like killing other players, but I don't run from a fight anymore.

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The first kill I ever got was in a shootout at the schoolhouse in Elektro. Me and my buddy were raiding the buildings in Elektro. He was in the bar and I had just finished raiding one of the large orange residential buildings when I decided to check out the schoolhouse. But then I saw someone running around on the roof with a bandit skin, I decided to take cover.

I asked him if he was friendly over direct chat, but he didn't answer at first. But then he asked if I could come upstairs and give him a blood transfusion, apparently he had been shot at before and lost a lot of blood.

Being the naive survivor that I was, I decided to give him the help he was requesting. My friend left the bar and came with me, deciding we'd have safety in numbers.

My friend had a Lee Enfield and I had an AK74. We climbed up the staircase and headed to the roof where he was at. As soon as we got close to him, he unloaded on us with an AKM. He killed my friend and wounded me pretty badly. But I riddled him with bullet holes, killing him before bandaging myself up and taking all of his loot.

That was my first defensive kill. My first actual murder wasn't too long ago. I was in an industrial building with a hatchet. I started walking downstairs just as a player with a shotgun started walking upstairs. Rather than tempt fate by asking him if he was friendly, I simply hacked him to pieces and took his shotgun. Still feel kind of bad about it.

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The first time I ever spawned in I went into a building in Elektro, I heard someone coming up the stairs and aimed my Makarov at the door, not knowing anything at all about the mod but having played ARMA II for almost 2 years (it only had 30k players according to the website at this time) and a guy using a crossbow and wearing a bandit skin came in and I dropped him instantly. First life and I was already a murderer.

Edited by Prophet

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I never like being a bandit so my first kill was actually an act of heroism. A sniper on the hill above elektro was sniping a lot of bambi's, I had just spawned and had nothing so at first I was hiding. Trying to cross elektro to get to cherno I came across a hatchet, I got through the town and went up the side of the hill, snuck up behind the sniper and hit him upside the head. :)

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My first kill was in Lingor, I had just logged in and my brother had barely survived a battle with a bandit. He was alive, but had lost a lot of blood and was passing out frequently. I set out to save him. I forget where he was, and where I was, but he was a good bit away. The server was getting busy, I knew he needed help. So I ran.

Just as I was approaching a petrol station, I heard a vehicle. I immediately hit the deck. He passed me on my right, and pulled up into the petrol station, to refuel.

I weighed up my options - Give up my position (he hadnt seen me) and ask for help, or kill the guy and take the car. I wasn't sure this guy could be trusted (hadn't been playing for long, and interactions with other players was rare) so I lined up the shot.

I hesitated. Was I being unfair? Would this guy help me if I asked him? Is it ok to exchange one life for another?

Something made my mind up.

Gunfire. CLOSE.

I took the shot. Sprinted to the car. Started the engine and never looked back.

I saved my brother.

You never forget your first.

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My first kill, was a mercy kill.

I ran into Cherno and found a hatchet, only to find nothing but beans and coke after that. I headed over to boleta and on the airfield and a bambie who had the miss-fortune of running into a bandit clan heading north. They shot him in the leg and left him for the zombies.

He was being eaten while he wa un-conscious so I ran up and ended his misery with a hatchet.

I still hear the screams of that poor bambie every time I close my eyes.

Edited by CurryZ
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My first kill was in self-defense.

I was scavenging Elektro, then I saw a survivor running towards me, away from a couple of zombies. He saw me, I said "friendly" in the direct chat. He simply shot at me with a Makarov. I survived the hits, and ran for cover behind a wall, and then he seemed to run out of ammo. He then came after me with a hatchet, bringing a zombie with him. We got into a hatchet fight. He managed to break my legs, but I still managed to scare him into retreating. I quickly turned and killed the zombie as well, before bandaging myself. Then the survivor came back and tried to finish me off. I fell to prone due to my broken leg, and started chopping away at his knees. I broke his leg, and while he was down I hit him several more times with the hatchet, giving me my first kill of DayZ.

Unfortunately, he had no morphine, so I took his Makarov and started crawling to the hospital.

Edited by PeterJHYT

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I was in Kamenka, with only a Makarov as a weapon, and I went into a building for some loot. I turned the corner and I saw a player bandaging himself. This was the first time I ever saw a player in DayZ, so out of fear I unloaded an entire clip of bullets into his head.

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I was in elektro, it was dark. The server had given us night vision and a handgun. I needed blood, and this guy came around the corner and hesitantly offered to give me blood. I had a hatchet out, which is why I think he didn't kill me. Shortly after, in the hospital, I met the same guy, however this time with the gun out. He fired several shots into me with his makarov, several missing me. I aimed at his head and must have unloaded the whole clip into him. Not a minute later I bled out, right next to my first 'Hero'.

Was also banned because it was a no-pvp server.

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While I am not a bandit, I still found this and couldn't resist posting.

So I was walking around Cherno, fresh spawn with a double barrel looking for ammo, food, drink, etc. when a guy with a ghillie suit is running a couple blocks down. He notices me and says with the most Jersey-sounding douche voice in his mic "yo brah, i'm gunna kill ya if ya don't leave now brah." I weigh my options, either run away, lose any chance of supplies, and let that douchebag live, or go after him with my double barrel while he has a pistol of some sort and what looks like an AS50 on his back(giant barrel sticking out his back against a blue sky). I decided I have nothing to lose, the guy sounds like a douchebag, and probably murders anyone he doesn't know personally. So I run into a grassy area near him, he flips out and says "Aight, you asked for it retard" and unloads a clip of 1911 in my general direction. this attracts a few zombies as you might imagine, but he comes after me, as I hoped he would. he comes around the corner, not knowing where I went, and I see him and unload 2 round into him, he fires at me again and hits once, but no broken bones luckily. I reload, fire 2 more shells, hit him and break his legs because he never stood back up. I ran behind a fence, reloaded, came back out and finished the job. He had a compass, map, GPS, entrenching tool, Military flashlight, toolbox, watch, matches, NV goggles, 2 cans of beans, 1 can of coke, a 1911 with 2 mags left, the AS50 with 6 full mags, 3 bandages, a rangefinder, and a few other things. I was utterly suprised. I quickly took everything and ran after I killed the couple zombies that followed us. He started cursing me out in the side chat right about now, sweared his revenge, and left.

TL;DR killed a Jersey-asshole that had a bunch of valuable stuff including AS50 w/ 6 mags and almost every tool only using a double barrel. Later ran away with all his supplies.

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