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the aussie bandit

Sniper squadron recruitment application

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Sniper Squadron recruitment application.

Hello to all fellow survivers, are you bored of playing by yourself getting sniped from the hills and losing your hard earned gear ?. why not join the ones shooting you from kilometers away ? well this is your chance fill out this following application and we will get back to you as quick as we can please write your answers in green thanks.

age -

what experience do you have with a clan -

why do you want to join -

what can you bring to this clan -

what are you a sniper or a spotter will you be happy with either ?

do you have skype ?

are you already geared ?

how long have you been playing for ?

are you Australian ?

What times are you available ?

will you happily go retreive the loot of players we kill ?

which sniper rifle do you prefer ?

No gear we will help you

We are looking for Australian members currently if you can connect to Australian servers you will have a higher chance of being accepted.

Please note: Not all players will be sniping on missions those who go in to gather supplies for the team will be asked to use Lmg,silenced guns

Edited by the aussie bandit

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Age- 14

Exp with a clan-None

Why I want to join: I am a good sniper/spotter

What can I bring to the clan:Video capture, sniping, and spotting

I am a sniper

I have a skype-Jarrettgs

I just died, so no killed an as50Thermal with a DMR. It was badass. He was a hacker though, and teleported and killed me.

I've been playing for about a month now.

I'm American.

Almost all the time.

I would love to retrieve loot

DMR, or an AS50

Cheers, -Jarrett

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age -16

what experience do you have with a clan - I was in clan, but I took a hiatus from dayz so im not in it anymore.

why do you want to join -Love sniping, just need buddies

what can you bring to this clan -I have great tactics and i'm a really good aim.

what are you a sniper or a spotter will you be happy with either ? Id rather be a sniper

do you have skype ? Yeah

are you already geared ? No, i was, how you say... Executed

how long have you been playing for ? 6 months

are you Australian ?no

What times are you available ? anytime except school hours

will you happily go retreive the loot of players we kill ?Yeah

which sniper rifle do you prefer ? I like dmr because you can use nvg with it, but as50 otherwise

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age - 15

what experience do you have with a clan - Been playing dayz for a while now

why do you want to join - Been looking for a new clan

what can you bring to this clan - A enertaining funny sniper :D

what are you a sniper or a spotter will you be happy with either ? either is fine

do you have skype ? yes (lordtrevdog)

are you already geared? No I just died xD

how long have you been playing for ? about a year

are you Australian ? no

What times are you available ? every day at anytime right now ( im on vacation)

will you happily go retreive the loot of players we kill ? not if I dont need any loot

which sniper rifle do you prefer ? any good 1 is fine (as50, dmr, etc...)

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Age. 13.

What experience do you have with a clan. never been in one.

Why do you want to join. becouse i die every time i get any good gear.

What can you bring to this clan. A extra bullet to the enemies head.

What are u a sniper or a spotter. I never sniped and i never spotted so idk either i guess.

Do u have skype. yes but i dont have a mic. (pie2.0)

Are you already geard. no [see awnser #3]

How long have u been playing for. Counting yesterday about... 30 minutes.

Are you australian. no i am not.

When are you available. Everyday between 12:00pm and 9:pm.

Will you happily go retreive the loot from the players we kill. If i have a big back pack sure.

Which sniper rifle would u prefer. I dont know many rifles so any long range one.

btw i get good loot yes not just scaps of it?

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