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The Chosen Few X [TCFX]

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The Chosen Few X is looking to add a few members to its team.

Are you tired of working alone and getting killed by bandits you frequently don't even see? Killed by those who have superior weapons and vehicles before you hardly even have a chance to find a hatchet or Makarov pistol? We were, and that's why we formed The Chosen Few X

We are a small tight knit group that works together as a team rather than a massive army of people that don't know most of the other guys in the clan. Our clans leadership does not take an elitist attitude where only they get the best weapons and vehicles. We try to make sure everyone is geared up to make them an effective part of the squad. While new members won't be given the very best weapons right out of the gate, they will get the opportunity to earn them or gather them during our raids. In return we expect members to help replenish supplies and help each other stay equipped or get re-equipped if and when they get killed.

We've come to learn to shoot first and ask questions later. We do like to help people but DayZ is about survival and we put our team before others. We're not looking to hunt down unarmed new spawns (unless we know it's someone that deserves to be hunted) but take little pity on anyone that is armed if they seem to pose a threat to our squad during a mission. We consider ourselves raiders and like to gather gear and vehicles but enjoy engaging bandits and any unfriendly factions when those opportunities present themselves.

With that said, we like to have fun and have some laughs. We do FRAPS record and want to post more video on YouTube. We are looking for some good natured guys that are looking for a fun time with a group who strongly believes in teamwork. We are running our own Chernarus server with Battleye and kick any hackers. Teamwork is paramount with us.

You will need to have Teamspeak (we can help you with this is you need assistance)

You will need to have a microphone.

Visit our website and say hello on the forums and feel free to join our game server even if you don't want to join our group. We have lots of vehicles on our server. If you would like to join us fill out the short recruitment form and lets get to playing :)


Looking forward to hearing from you.

Edited by wallyschmo

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We've added a few new members as a result of this post but are still looking for more who play regularly ( 2 or 3 times a week or more).

Visit our website and take a look around (You will have to register to see most of what's on the website but it's free and only takes a few moments)

Feel free to post any questions or comments in our forums.

Looking forward to seeing some new members!

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Had a good weekend of Dayz. Have a couple of videos posted on the website from this weekend. :)

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We're planning on some DayZ this weekend. Could use a few new members to join us. Take a look at our website there are a couple videos from last weekends adventure. If it looks interesting to you fill out the short application and join the fun. :)

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We now have our own private Chernarus server. The server is passworded to help control hackers. Join our teamspeak server and we will give you the password.

Make sure you run your teamspeak as administrator. If you have any problems just post your question on our forums.

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