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FPS constantly revolves around 10-15. My PC should be shitting on this game.

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I can run BF3 on highest settings at constant 60 fps.

For some reason, this game seems limited to about 12fps no matter what settings I put it on.

On the highest of highest settings. 12 FPS.

On the lowest of lowest settings with the lowest resolution. 12 FPS.

WAT DO. The game seemed relatively fine when I played it last night, however.

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I can run BF3 on highest settings at constant 60 fps.

For some reason' date=' this game seems limited to about 12fps no matter what settings I put it on.

On the highest of highest settings. 12 FPS.

On the lowest of lowest settings with the lowest resolution. 12 FPS.

WAT DO. The game seemed relatively fine when I played it last night, however.


Did you try another server ? I know that these fps drops were server side before 1.7.1 and I had to play on particular US servers where fps were ok, but as soon as I joined some EU server, my fps were 5.7 no matter what. Id say its still the same, because I joined some server today and had again 5.7 fps and then I joined my favorite US server and fps again OK

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Did you check your ping ingame? Just curious. I got some astronomical figure on the server I frequent. Same on couple of others.

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My ping ranges from 20 to 40ms on my favorite server and I had really bad fps issues this morning. Updated my vid drivers and reconnected and was fine. Died once while testing the new zombie behaviours ( which I think are completely broken ) and when I respawned fps was so bad I just quit. And when I say broken, they are still attacking through walls, walking through walls.. you can't lose them if you LOS them. They just keep coming like before.

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