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DayZ - Gun sounds

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If i have any weapon, for ex. revolver or any stanag weapon, (SD or non SD) the shots i make myself are really low volume. I have everything except music set to MAX. Samples are set to 128.

Also, car's sounds are really quiet. Other people's gun sounds are really loud, for example if a friend shoots next to me by ears are about to explode.

My headset is Logitech G35. Will setting off the surround help me at all?!

Any help with this?

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It sounds like your using headphones but the game is trying to send the sounds to different speakers. Enable your headphones and disable your speakers in Control panel, should help, also adjust the in-game settings.

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I got the same headset. Try the following:

1 - Download latest drive - http://www.logitech....&osid=14&bit=32

2 - Make sure no other audio drive is in use (via control panel)

3- Reduce sample to default 32 - Not sure the built in soundcard support that amount of samples

4- Make sure sound effects is high.

5 - Use the surround option from the headset.

Hope that helps.

Edited by Play
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Wow! Thanks for the quick answer. I'm trying it out now, hope it works. Huge thanks to Play! YOU GOT MY BEANS :D

Edit: Works like a charm. One more thank you :D

Edited by AlternatePannari

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