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Sabata (DayZ)

Turn game bad habits into real life bad habits

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To put it simple, just punishments for repeating certain negative actions. Since these can be considered bad habits, I just think those players should suffer the consequences of having a bad habit.

What game bad habits means here: basically exploits. Server hopping, DC to avoid combat, loot farming by taking and dropping stuff, things like that. Nothing related to PvP.

What real life bad habits could be used? Alcoholism for instance. A player that uses DC too much may become alcoholic. Consuming alcohol then becomes a double edged sword (requires alcohol drinks). It 'cures' the abstinence syndrome symptoms but it produces drunkenness effect. Player gets cured from real life habit when game bad habit is abandoned.

Now lets get buried by 1.7.1 complaints hehe.

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Who would want to prevent server hopping and DC to avoid death since those are part of the gameplay for most of us, isn't it?

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Hehe - that is a great solution IMO, very original!

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Haha I like the originality. Maybe make him a drug addict and if he doesn't have his pills every so often he'll get the shakes. So basically just trigger the need for painkillers when people DC too much.

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The problem is that some of these actions are frequently used in a legitimate way or are hard to detect, so any punishment would end up hurting more innocent people than guilty. I more support a way to make these things impossible rather than a one size fits all punishment system.

But it IS an interesting concept, I'll grant you that.

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The problem is that some of these actions are frequently used in a legitimate way or are hard to detect' date=' so any punishment would end up hurting more innocent people than guilty. I more support a way to make these things impossible rather than a one size fits all punishment system.

But it IS an interesting concept, I'll grant you that.


That's a kind of negative thinking. It isn't like server hopping is that hard to detect. Should be clear that someone who visited more than 10 servers in 1hour is just playing the game right. In any case, the system should measure players over long playing times. That's perhaps the trickiest part.

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