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policebear DayZChernarus - 9915 - - REGULAR DM:OFF - OP GAMING - 300 Vehicle Limit - Extra Barracks | DayZ.ST

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Server Name: DayZChernarus - 9915 - - REGULAR DM:OFF - OP GAMING - 300 Vehicle Limit - Extra Barracks | DayZ.ST

(Your) Timezone:Central-USA

Date/Time:12/27/12 around 5 to 7 I think I was busy

Server Administrator('s):Notafriend

What happened:Well we saw that a guy named notafriend had a helicopter, after him shooting ours down in 7 shots, somehow, earlier that game we decided to try and take him down, along with his heli, well we killed him, and his friend mikey or something was in the gunner seat, not a minute passed and the person who took the helicopter, D.Wolf, was banned, I want this admin taken care of, We destroyed our whole camp and left not wanting to deal with someone like this

Evidence/Proof [Required] : Come onto teamspeak, ts.survivingthehorror.com , everyone who was there at the time will tell you exactly what happened. There is 8 of us.

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