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The Aquatic Land Walrus

What was your motive to come to DayZ?

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I wanted to see apocalyptic Chernagorsk.. the crown jewel of Chernarus. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them. I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill!

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Wow. Not bad. A community full of friendly bandits. Glad you all are here. I extend my <3

-An Aquatic Land Walrus

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"Realistic zombie-simulator" was what I heard. Nontheless I'm happy with the game.

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I wanted a survival game. I wanted a zombie game. So I found this. Lots of fun. I love survival aspects to games i dont like the super run and gun games in zombie games (CoD zombies)

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Well my brother watched some videos of DayZ and told me about it and we watched some videos together then.

Later we watched some Rhinocrunch videos back before all that rage when his videos were about him running through

the woods for 30 minutes not seeing a soul and him being so paranoid that when he "though" he saw stuff.

Later we just got hooked on it.

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