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1.7.1 Problem Update.

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All you guys having problems with the game DO NOT WORRY. None of these problems are your fault at all, they are server problems now let me tell you why. The thing is the servers have messed it up, a lot of them have some of them haven't. There are no problems with your client or mod or anything like that, the server info is just wrong.

The watermarks that people are getting, the no sound issues, no zombies and frame issues etc. they will be fixed when you actually join a 1.7.1 server. The servers that you are joining are actually 1.7 servers, NOT 1.7.1. This is why you are having all of these problems. Just wait a little while and let the server admins fix theirs shit. For now, we wait.

Hope this helped :3

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I've tried numerous servers that already have 1.7.1 in it's title/description.

Their descriptions and names are wrong. I was talking to some people that rolled back to 1.7 and the 1.7.1 servers turned out to be 1.7 servers. Although ultimately, I don't know who's at fault here. The mod authors or the people that run the servers. I would imagine it to be a mod fault due to the fact that so many servers have messed up.

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I guess people are just putting 1.7.1 and not actually updating their servers then. Also, a lot of servers said 1.7.1 but put a red X next to the name when I clicked it, and the "required version" text turned red. They all said required 1.6. Some servers said 1.7.1 in the title, said required 1.6 below, but didn't turn red when I clicked it. :/

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I guess people are just putting 1.7.1 and not actually updating their servers then. Also' date=' a lot of servers said 1.7.1 but put a red X next to the name when I clicked it, and the "required version" text turned red. They all said required 1.6. Some servers said 1.7.1 in the title, said required 1.6 below, but didn't turn red when I clicked it. :/


Maybe you're right, then again I don't see why they would do this to mislead people, it doesn't really make sense, most of this information points back to the mod being at fault but I don't know.

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I just tried to connect to a server that had both mod version and beta patch version stated in it's name (1.7.1/93825). This is what I got (not to mention a 500 something ping):


It was barely visible so I had to adjust contrast a bit.

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I've been having the "1.7.0 BUT NOT 1.7.0" issue since 1.7.0 came out. I understand that a lot of people don't like 1.7.0, but it irks me that some server owners would change the name of their server to the version they aren't running. Apparently that's still an issue.

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I think the whole release of this new patch failed quite miserably. Servers say they run 1.7.1 even though they don't. Some servers don't have sound. Some server have absolute shit FPS(This is the issue I hate THE most in DayZ.) I really don't get how a Client's FPS could be affected by the Server being real shit. Sure if it caused some latency issues, but FPS? ...What? Am I missing something?

I've found 2 servers running 1.7.1 that actually worked, DE60 and some American one. All the other ones either have either of the stuff above, an annoying watermark in the middle of the screen or I get stuck on loading for all eternity which I read Rocket had fixed. :(

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I think the whole release of this new patch failed quite miserably. Servers say they run 1.7.1 even though they don't. Some servers don't have sound. Some server have absolute shit FPS(This is the issue I hate THE most in DayZ.) I really don't get how a Client's FPS could be affected by the Server being real shit. Sure if it caused some latency issues' date=' but FPS? ...What? Am I missing something?

I've found 2 servers running 1.7.1 that actually worked, DE60 and some American one. All the other ones either have either of the stuff above, an annoying watermark in the middle of the screen or I get stuck on loading for all eternity which I read Rocket had fixed. :(


Yeah. I love the game and I love & appreciate Rocket's work, but 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 have only further destabilized the game - not to mention turning zombies into unavoidable superhuman clusterfucks. I'm all for amping up the challenge, but it's just silly right now. I don't really even want to play right now because I'd rather not lose all my kit to a zombie that heard me fifteen klicks out while I was crawling through some brush.

I'm also miffed that I now have to choose between DayZ and ACE, or alternatively, uninstall the entire game to remove the beta patch and be able to play ACE again. Honestly, whatever BI says, the beta has fixed nothing. The only tangible result of installing the most recent beta is the fixed direct chat - which most people could not give less of a shit about anyway. Besides that, it's turned playing the game at all into a challenge - as if it wasn't difficult enough already to find a working server, it's now a journey in and of itself to get the game up and running without an issue - and it's somehow rendered me incapable of playing a mod I love just as much as DayZ (ACE).

I hate to be a whiner, and I know that's what I'm doing, but oh my God! Stop breaking things I like, you assholes. Christ.

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Yeah. I love the game and I love & appreciate Rocket's work' date=' but 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 have only further destabilized the game - not to mention turning zombies into unavoidable superhuman clusterfucks. I'm all for amping up the challenge, but it's just silly right now. I don't really even want to play right now because I'd rather not lose all my kit to a zombie that heard me fifteen klicks out while I was crawling through some brush.

I'm also miffed that I now have to choose between DayZ and ACE, or alternatively, uninstall the entire game to remove the beta patch and be able to play ACE again. Honestly, whatever BI says, the beta has fixed [i']nothing. The only tangible result of installing the most recent beta is the fixed direct chat - which most people could not give less of a shit about anyway. Besides that, it's turned playing the game at all into a challenge - as if it wasn't difficult enough already to find a working server, it's now a journey in and of itself to get the game up and running without an issue - and it's somehow rendered me incapable of playing a mod I love just as much as DayZ (ACE).

I hate to be a whiner, and I know that's what I'm doing, but oh my God! Stop breaking things I like, you assholes. Christ.

Well said. I think the Zombies were good as it was, the main issue is players being utter douchebags. I've played at least over 50 Hours of DayZ and I've only met 1 player that did not shoot me, and that was because he was looting.

Every single other one have shot at me, and when I fire back at them with a beefier gun, they disconnect.

The only fix I see in this 1.7.1 Patch is that the player stays for ~5 seconds after disconnect. Other than that, I don't like anything. Oh, sure the new monkey animation is cool and creepy but other than that, it's shit.

Seriously. Spawn with a flashlight, a bandage and some painkillers? Sure it's realistic, but we can't do shit against zombies nor players! Some players are camping along the beaches killing every fresh spawn for easy kills.

Zombies still run through walls.

Vehicles still blow up when hitting some roadblock at walking speeds.

Night is still gamebreakingly dark. Sure, it's realistic and all. I want DayZ to be somewhat realistic not entirely. It's not possible to play DayZ in Night anymore because all we have is the Flashlight and it's like telling everyone "Hello, Bandits, I'm running over here, feel free to kill me!"

Even though the Road Flares does pretty much the same, you can at least throw it to get an idea where things are and where to go.

Also the fact that you don't spawn with Morphine anymore! I'm so sick of Zombies breaking my legs and/or knocking me unconscious when I'm above 10 000 Blood, you might as well just hit Respawn.

If I'm to be honest, I'd ask Rocket to(if possible) re-roll back to 1.7.0 and work further on 1.7.1, because it's not good. It's horrible, utterly utterly horrible.


And not to mention, if we're spawning with this junk because it's more likely to be the stuff you'd have in a zombie apocalypse, what about cars? Just think about it, working cars would be everywhere. They'd be a thousand times more common than firearms! Sure you maybe don't have the keys for it, but you can always break the window and hijack it, and maybe the alarm would go off and you'll have the entire city on your ass but that's cool.

This patch has in my opinion broken DayZ entirely, I can't play for shit. I'm lucky if I find a server that I can join with sound and without that annoying watermark, but then I get stuck with 2-6 FPS. It's not playable whatsoever. :(

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Yeah, I feel like this was a very negative addition to DayZ overall. As for cars, though, I'd have to disagree - I believe Rocket stated that DayZ is set fairly well off into the future after a massive apocalyptic event. In a third world country, like Chernarus, cars are a status symbol - a lot of the civilians are destitute Eastern European farmers. The majority of the cars that did exist would have been taken, destroyed, or scavenged long ago. Perhaps in a city the size/scope of, and with the same number of residents as, say, New York City, you'd see more cars. In this environment, the current number of cars is even a bit excessive in my opinion - though I don't mind. I really don't use them anyway. Too much hassle!

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Yeah' date=' I feel like this was a very negative addition to DayZ overall. As for cars, though, I'd have to disagree - I believe Rocket stated that DayZ is set fairly well off into the future [i']after a massive apocalyptic event. In a third world country, like Chernarus, cars are a status symbol - a lot of the civilians are destitute Eastern European farmers. The majority of the cars that did exist would have been taken, destroyed, or scavenged long ago. Perhaps in a city the size/scope of, and with the same number of residents as, say, New York City, you'd see more cars. In this environment, the current number of cars is even a bit excessive in my opinion - though I don't mind. I really don't use them anyway. Too much hassle!

Good point, I hadn't read about that... So I guess it makes sense, but I'd have to disagree with vehicles being too excessive. There's a few of them and they're very spread out.

Now the cars are everywhere because 1.7.1 reset all of them, otherwise it was really hard to find a car because they were most likely to already belong to a server hopper - which is pretty much the only way to get a car.

And when you do get one, everyone, literally everyone will shoot at you on sight no matter what. Even if most of the wrecks on the road was repairable I'd still say it'd be somewhat hard enough to get a car.

Because you'd have to find all the parts for it, and make it so you need a Toolbox in order to repair it. That way, it'd still be hard enough to get a car, but you wouldn't have to run across the map and hop between server to see if there's one.

I've only ever seen one car, and it was the Military Offroad, just next to a road when we were heading to the NW Airfield so we assumed someone must have been disconnected because it was loaded with stuff.

Other than that I've seen 2 or 3 cars drive through Cherno with like 60 zombies chasing it. And lets face it, cars are hard enough to use as-is since they blow up if you hit any kind of object at any speed, well, as long as its the wheel that hits it. You're dead. :P

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I've been playing since something like rev 1.5.8, and I've had two UAZs, two ATVs, a red car that I don't know the name of, three bicycles, and one bus. I'm still waitin' on a Huey.

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I've been playing since something like rev 1.5.8' date=' and I've had two UAZs, two ATVs, a red car that I don't know the name of, three bicycles, and one bus. I'm still waitin' on a Huey.


I've been around since 1.6.1 only, I've mostly had a lot of buses and that Toyota, never ever in my life seen a Bicycle, holy shit I want one of those lol.

Oh and a Tractor, twice, which keeps randomly blowing up while driving :S It's like if you it some invisible wall randomly...

And I've found one Huey, which didn't work. It had that leaking bug even though it was fully repaired which have apparently been around for more than a month :(

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