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Looking for someone to play with on a veteran EU server

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Looking for someone to play with, as a group.

Abit about me: My ingame name is Rain (steamid: R4!N). I am from Norway, 24 yr old guy. Been playing DayZ since April, as an activ player. Unfortunatly, the ppl I usally play with does'nt play DayZ that much anymore. So I would like to team up with some other group, for some fun play.

I have good experience with navigation around Chernarus, as I am familiar with most of the places in the game now. Know where to find weapons, spawnpoints for vehicles, parts to repair vehicles and other useful miscellaneous items. You can often find me playing on the norwegian servers.

My ROE(rules of engagement) is: Whenever i play solo I shoot first, ask later. But whenever in a group with voip, this changes to ask first to see if he/she is someone from the group.

I prefer to play on european servers with veteran status. Which means no third person view and no crosshair(but not as important than 3rd person).


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