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Crash upon picking up M4A3 CCO

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16:30 17/6/12

What happened:

Picked up an M4A3 CCO and the game crashed to desktop.

Where you were:

NW airfield barracks

What you were doing:

Picking up a gun via the gear menu

Current installed version:

1.7.1 + beta 93825 (reverted to 93701 and it's the same problem)

Server(s) you were on:


Connected to server, around 5 min from the barracks of the NW airfield. Went in to barrack, picked up an M4A3 CCO and the game crashed to desktop.

I've tested this on the SP (I know it's no longer available or supported) but I had it left over so I thought I'd try repeating the bug. Same problem, crashed to desktop when picking up the gun, other guns seems to be fine.

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