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Bandit Squad

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Bandit Squad

:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

Assault/Scout Detachment

TheHighlander Designated Scout

xMorrisHD Designated Assault

Sniper Detachment

zDannyyz Designated Sniper

LordLusington Designated Spotter


Im TheHighlander,im a really mean person i rarely let people live and when i do i break they're legs and take all of their stuff and i leave them in the middle of a field with nothing but broken legs,i befriend people and then stab them in the back for fun :)

i like using LMG's and L8A52's, also when i play wasteland i really like blowing things up with satchel charges

My Steam is TheHighlander

Edited by ChimerZeta

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Thanks for the update... and now, I know.

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