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FPS drop not due to 1.71 but infact due to the Arma II beta patch 93825

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I've been having this since before patch 1.71 but only on the arma II beta servers, anyone know how to solve this? I was getting great fps before all the servers updated to 93825. I have a fairly high end pc, are there no fixes to this at all?

Oh, I'm also getting this in regular ARMA II, not just DayZ.

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The FPS issue is server side.

It already happened way before servers were using the betas.

You can easily witness this on servers which run longer than ~18 hours without a restart.

This time the bad FPS seems to originate from the new spawn stuff rocket wanted to test. It works well below 15 players, although if you have 50 players this new system smashes the server.

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I did not have any fps drop with the beta patch 93825 or any other beta patch before, and this problem immediately started after upgrading to 1.7.1

But yes, the fps drop is quite bad.

I'd say 1.7.1 is the problem here.

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It's DayZ specific. I backed out from DayZ running 10ish fps and went into the US armory and ran the benchmark with 55 fps average with vsync on.

I will also add that a buddy of mine is having identical issues. Both of us were able to play without issue before this.

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I dont believe this to be a server issue.. Earlier i was getting easily 30+ servers with good ping.. 50- and now for some reason EVERY server that was green is now around 245 ping and they are all the same exact ping... only started recently when i got out of the wilderness bug..

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I've the same problem guys! Now I got a maximum of 10 fps, after updating to 1.7.1 or installing the new beta :/

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when I first log in I seem fine. great FPS. I dont have issues until after I have died, disconnected to the lobby and reconnected. I then have major fps issues. I've been testing the zombie behavior since the patch and have died a lot trying to see if there is actually a difference in behavior. ( seems just as bad ). But pretty consistently I have great fps when I first log in and crappy fps after a death and then respawn.

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