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DE2 Madmins or cheaters?

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I have no problem with dying at all, so is life in the zone, however this made no sense at all.

Twas completely random, and very very curious as to what actually happened.

Maybe some mods can check some logs and give us half a clue!

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I was on the same server yesterday, and about 5 minutes into playing, I noticed a large amount of people dying, i.e. 10-15 people all dying at once, and then people started raging as to how it happened, I immediately exited out of the server before whatever killed them killed me. I am starting to wonder if there is some exploit since the last patch, or maybe with that specific server?

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I have seen inability to stop hacking / exploiting ruin many games. Hope this can be resolved. No one wants to spend hours getting weapons to be teleported and killed by a hacker.

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I am starting to wonder if there is some exploit since the last patch' date=' or maybe with that specific server?[/quote']

Nope, it's a well known hack for ArmA2.

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Two days ago I was killed with NVG just walking through a town in a spree similar to the one's mentioned. (Large groups of people dying all at once, I initially thought it was a vehicle crash until I died just walking through the town moments later.)

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Ahaha I found who Fursty Badger is: Vojtec, joopig and I guess few other nicknames. He realy hacks! Ban him for life! PM me if you interested how did I find him.

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His name in Dayz is KraKeN. I killed him 3 times in a row at NW airport in 5 minutes. He is a dirty little cheater. Please ban him.

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