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[Looking] DayZ Scripter/Mapper

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Well, i've currently started my own DayZ Community and I am currently looking for a mapper / scripter for DayZ. If you can do any one of these things do you think you can drop me a personal message.

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Can you be a little more descriptive please?

Basically i'm looking for someone to script on our server install modifications, vehicles, objects mapping, and possibly custom skins if its possible. We would like to try to get custom built scripts in-game and aswell some mapping done for our servers. Our server is currently a private hive with 40 slots. If you can do anyone of these could you drop me a personal message.

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You might want to state where you are from, you don't want people from Antartica applying when your server is hosted in Greenland

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You might want to state where you are from, you don't want people from Antartica applying when your server is hosted in Greenland

Our server is the United States but we might be moving it to Europe and were from Canada / USA most of us.

Edited by iHuskeh

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