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Need someone to play with

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Hello i'm fairly new to Dayz i started a few days ago i'm doing pretty decent i've gotten the game pretty much down even got me a bandit kill, and i got some decent gear, but i'm getting kinda bored because there's no one to team up with and have fun. If you would like to team up just post your steam id, or skype. My steam id is Yaank. I am american and i'm 21 years old. Thanks and I hope we can get in dayz and team up.

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Hows it going I am from 21st Rangers Battalion, we are an expert clan which is based on millitary-strategy in DayZ. we are open to all age groups and currently we have Australian, UK, and American players.

Our Clan Forum is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...en-recruitment/

You can send us an application here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVGWjhyZW9pQUZqU2wya0pVaVQ3ZWc6MQ#gid=0

Hope to hear back from you, Whendrix502

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I sent you my app for the 21st battalion, how do i know when i get a response

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