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in need of a group

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got the game yesterday but im not a noob watch lots of people play the only thing noob bout me is my lack of weaponry so if anybody can elp me get started it wil be much apprieciated im EST thx steam id is Sector5 Immune

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Hows it going I am from 21st Rangers Battalion, we are an expert clan which is based on millitary-strategy in DayZ. we are open to all age groups and currently we have Australian, UK, and American players.

You can send us an application here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVGWjhyZW9pQUZqU2wya0pVaVQ3ZWc6MQ#gid=0

Hope to hear back from you, Whendrix502

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^ Don't listen to him, Clan is awful, anyway got a small group of me and somebody else, we have Skypes and are willing to recruit any new players, we are not newbies so feel free to join us! We ARE a Bandit Clan currently recruiting, put [WaS] in front of ye name if you join Thanks!: [WaS] means Wolves Among Sheep

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