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US264 Dallas banned

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Perma banned on this server after I found an IED in a tent and tried to place it on the ground. It said create vehicle restriction. Idk why I would get banned if I didnt spawn it in. I found it in a tent and had no idea is was illegal. But please unban me since im not a hacker...i just was unfortunate to come across a hacker tent and take an ied.. Thanks!!

Ingame name: Dr. Lawrence Gordon

Edited by Codeman

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First: Appealing the ban here is useless as the ban is on that community's server. http://www.adrenaline-gaming.net/

Create an account and appeal it there.

Secondly, i strongly suggest you read what all of the allowed items are, as some servers have made it so if you do use a disallowed item, it will kick you, and depending on how malicious the item is, it may even ban you.

Edited by xProlithium
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