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[{F3ARGaming}] Are you in need of a group for DayZ? [Own TS Server][UK/WorldWide]All are Welcome!Recruiting!A Lot More Members.Admins Needed For TS.

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Name: Retsof


TeamSpeak Name: Retsof

Mic?: Yup

Why do you want to join?: I want a group to play with. Solo play can only keep you entertaind for so long.

Experience in game: Been playing for about half a year now. I know the ins and outs of the game well.

Timezone: Central Time

Bio: Usually a friendly guy. Try not to kill others who don't threaten me... unless their bandits. In that case I see it as open season. Been playing a good amount of solo so I can take care of my own but I can do squad play well too.

In game Name: Intergalactic Potato

Awesome, Will Pm you now.

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Name: Declan

Why do you want to join?: Sick of playing solo, Have no freinds irl willing to buy arma 2 and would like to join you and have fun

Age: 14, but I'm mature.

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: Declan lon, Teamspeak is Kevdapair.

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: Played since june and I'm skilled, got to end game, sadly it was always solo, I did play with a team a couple of times so I know team tactics etc.

Timezone: GMT +0 UK

Bio: I don't kill on sight unless i'm in danger or they're a bandit, this game is more fun with teamwork.

In game Name: Kevdapair

Edited by Dekkymane

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Name: Declan

Why do you want to join?: Sick of playing solo, Have no freinds irl willing to buy arma 2 and would like to join you and have fun

Age: 14, but I'm mature.

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: Declan lon, Teamspeak is Kevdapair.

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: Played since june and I'm skilled, got to end game, sadly it was always solo, I did play with a team a couple of times so I know team tactics etc.

Timezone: GMT +0 UK

Bio: I don't kill on sight unless i'm in danger or they're a bandit, this game is more fun with teamwork.

In game Name: Kevdapair

More than welcome. Will Pm you now.

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Application Form

Name: Etai


TeamSpeak Name: Pyro

Mic?: Got one.

Why do you want to join?: Been looking for a good squad for a while now, you guys are some of the best I've found.

Experience in game: About a year.

Timezone: -5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time)

Bio: I'll do whatever the squad needs, and I won't shoot anyone unless given the order, or if you shoot at me first.

In game Name: Pyro

Other: I'd prefer to be a medic if it's all the same with you guys.

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Application Form

Name: Etai


TeamSpeak Name: Pyro

Mic?: Got one.

Why do you want to join?: Been looking for a good squad for a while now, you guys are some of the best I've found.

Experience in game: About a year.

Timezone: -5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time)

Bio: I'll do whatever the squad needs, and I won't shoot anyone unless given the order, or if you shoot at me first.

In game Name: Pyro

Other: I'd prefer to be a medic if it's all the same with you guys.

Name: Declan

Age: 15

TeamSpeak Name: DeclanDex

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Most of my friends are waiting for the standalone need a group to play with.

Experience in game: Played the game for 2+ Months

Timezone: GMT

Bio: I play for fun and i don't take the game too seriously

In game Name:DeclanDex

More than welcome. Will Pm now.

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Name: Jordan

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: ididi9

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Never played in a group as no friends IRL have good PCs and all have consoles, really tired of play it alone as it gets tedious and this seems like as good a group as any.

Experience in game: 8 Months of DayZ, Good Experience in Origins, Original Cheranus, Panthera and Takistan. Playing regular Wasteland so I have good gun skills.

[Timezone: GMT UK

Bio: I prefer stealth and try to only used silenced weapons and snipers, I'll kill anyone that poses a threat or has something I need.

In game Name: ididi9

Edited by ididi9

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Name: Connor

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: Connorbenson1

Mic?: Yup

Why do you want to join?: Looking for people to cover me and have fun

Experience in game: 1 year

Timezone: GMT

Bio: I Live in scotland and like to occasionaly play games, and im good at them

In game Name:Connor





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Name: Jordan

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: ididi9

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Never played in a group as no friends IRL have good PCs and all have consoles, really tired of play it alone as it gets tedious and this seems like as good a group as any.

Experience in game: 8 Months of DayZ, Good Experience in Origins, Original Cheranus, Panthera and Takistan. Playing regular Wasteland so I have good gun skills.

[Timezone: GMT UK

Bio: I prefer stealth and try to only used silenced weapons and snipers, I'll kill anyone that poses a threat or has something I need.

In game Name: ididi9

Name: Connor

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: Connorbenson1

Mic?: Yup

Why do you want to join?: Looking for people to cover me and have fun

Experience in game: 1 year

Timezone: GMT

Bio: I Live in scotland and like to occasionaly play games, and im good at them

In game Name:Connor





Will Pm now.

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Name: Nick

Age: 14

TeamSpeak Name: Chillinuss

Mic?: Yeah

Why do you want to join?: Lonewolfed long enough, Looking for a fun, friendly squad.

Experience in game: Played since the beginning.

Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

Bio: Played alot of Cherno, Namalsk And just started playing Taviana. Always preferred avoiding people, or killing them by surprise, so I built my routes around high level, unvisited areas.

In game Name:Chillinuss

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Name: Nick

Age: 14

TeamSpeak Name: Chillinuss

Mic?: Yeah

Why do you want to join?: Lonewolfed long enough, Looking for a fun, friendly squad.

Experience in game: Played since the beginning.

Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

Bio: Played alot of Cherno, Namalsk And just started playing Taviana. Always preferred avoiding people, or killing them by surprise, so I built my routes around high level, unvisited areas.

In game Name:Chillinuss

Will pm you now.

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TeamSpeak Name: ScumBag

Mic?: Yes
Why do you want to join?: Always been a teamplayer and am used to callouts on cod.

Experience in game: 35Hours On DayZ SA, Limited.
Timezone: UTC-8:00
Bio: Friendly, Dont shoot on site unless at a military base or airfield, very cautious. My decisions are thought out and arent half assed.
In game Name: HonestAbe

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TeamSpeak Name:Natta

Why do you want to join?: Because i am bored of playing alone

Experience in game: 120 hours ingame
In game Name: Natta198

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Name: Johnathon Johnson

Age: 19
TeamSpeak Name: JetPlaneDufresne

Mic?: yes
Why do you want to join?: to expand my experience in dayz and learn more about tactics and working together as a group.

Experience in game: total hrs-247
Timezone: central
Bio: i am a college student in USA, i play dayz for most of my free time. i also play games such as BF4, counter-strike, war thunder, arma 3, etc.
In game Name: Jet

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Name: Bailey

Age: 14 (mature)
TeamSpeak Name: Bazil

Mic?: Yes
Why do you want to join?: I have been looking for a DayZ clan since the detereoration of my last one, 1 month ago and this clan caught my eye

Experience in game: 210 hours on SA and way more on mod
Timezone: GMT+2
Bio: I primarily play as a medic/ helpful player but if provoked can be a formidable opponent. I like playing DayZ casually but can switch on and adapt to PvP situations quickly. I also enjoy playing CS:GO (over 700 hours, Master Guardian 2) but primarily play DayZ atm.
In game Name: Bazil

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