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[{F3ARGaming}] Are you in need of a group for DayZ? [Own TS Server][UK/WorldWide]All are Welcome!Recruiting!A Lot More Members.Admins Needed For TS.

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Name:Dione Woodley-Jones


Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:skype name xdwj1234x

Mic?:i have a mic

Experience in game:i have been playing for 2 weeks


Bio:Im a player that does what needs to be done. i go in cherno or elektro whenever to get what i need and make it out 90% of the time.I have been shot in the back multiple times and becoming a not so friendly .

In game Name:Mr.DWJ

Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: David

Age: 18

TeamSpeak Name: David

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: My old clan went inactive and I am looking for a real clan to roll with.

Experience in game: Been playing a few months, very versatile as I play on my own. I'm a good driver and decent with semi-automatics mostly, I am not a bad sniper but obviously I use them as I find them which isn't that often. Because I play on my own I know what spawns/where and the easiest way to find stuff, also my current server doesn't use waypoints so I can basically drive from one side of the map to another without checking a map.

Timezone: GMT+0

Bio: I'm 18 From the UK, Work full time as an engineer but I play almost every evening and at the weekends. Gamer by heart and this is definately a game I have gotten good at.

In game Name: David.

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TeamSpeak Name:WillMGK


Why do you want to join?:I need a group to help scavenge and I get bored playing by myself

Experience in game:A few days, but I know the land very well as I have studied the map, all in all ive probably played for about 4-6 hours give or take


Bio:Always watched dayz videos on youtube, looked fun, finally got enough monies and bought it. now i am enjoying every minute of it.

In game Name:WillMGK

Edited by WillMGK

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Name: David

Age: 18

TeamSpeak Name: David

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: My old clan went inactive and I am looking for a real clan to roll with.

Experience in game: Been playing a few months, very versatile as I play on my own. I'm a good driver and decent with semi-automatics mostly, I am not a bad sniper but obviously I use them as I find them which isn't that often. Because I play on my own I know what spawns/where and the easiest way to find stuff, also my current server doesn't use waypoints so I can basically drive from one side of the map to another without checking a map.

Timezone: GMT+0

Bio: I'm 18 From the UK, Work full time as an engineer but I play almost every evening and at the weekends. Gamer by heart and this is definately a game I have gotten good at.

In game Name: David.



TeamSpeak Name:WillMGK


Why do you want to join?:I need a group to help scavenge and I get bored playing by myself

Experience in game:A few days, but I know the land very well as I have studied the map, all in all ive probably played for about 4-6 hours give or take


Bio:Always watched dayz videos on youtube, looked fun, finally got enough monies and bought it. now i am enjoying every minute of it.

In game Name:WillMGK

Will Pm You both now.



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Name: Austin

Age: 17

TeamSpeak Name: Dont use teamspeak only skype Austin.Horenkamp

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: I have been looking for some people to play DayZ with so I thought I would check this out

Experience in game: About a week ago I bought this game

Timezone: Eastern


In game Name: Home( Will need to change sometime)

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Name: Sean

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: FleshAndFaith


Why do you want to join?:

Have had fun playing Dayz but I feel I will have more fun, and be more successful playing in a group setting.

Experience in game:

Only about 2 weeks, however, I am constantly trying to learn via YouTube and other people.




I never shoot those unarmed or in hero costumes, without thoroughly confirming them as a hostile threat. While I am pretty new to the game I am very respectful to chain of command and eager to improve the clan as a whole.

In game Name:FleshAndFaith

Edited by FleshAndFaith

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Name: Andrew

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: carl256hgff (same on skype)

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: I have been playing Dayz for a couple of months now and thought it would be beneficial if I joined a group.

Experience in game: I have played for a couple of months and have had my fair share of combat.

Timezone: EST

Bio: I am curious as to what it feels like to have a solid group of survivors at my back. I prefer stealth and only engage players if threatened or shot at.

In game Name: carl256hgff

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Name: Connor AKA Scumballer

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: Antunes

Mic?: Yup

Why do you want to join?: Im bored

Experience in game: Been playing DayZ off and on since June

Timezone: CST (-6)

Bio: Im a busy college student but when i have time i like to play DayZ

In game Name: Scumballer

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Name: Chris

Age: 18

Skype Name: Polishnightmare97

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: looking for some crazy action an not being a loner

Experience in game: About a week an have gotten pretty familiar with combat

Timezone: EST

Bio: Loyal person, tactic would be sneaky, an only shoots if I am in danger.

In game Name: PolishNightmare97

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Name: Frank

Age: 16

Teamspeak name: Servebotfrank

Mic: Yep.

Reason for joining: Well I have been playing this game since the day the mod came out back in April. During the time I have played I have been a member of quite a few groups and enjoyed the time I spent in almost every one of them. Being apart of another seems like it would be pretty fun.

Experience: I have had this game since April, I know my way around the map, I can fly, I still can't bring myself to be a bandit however.

Bio: Yep, been playing since April, I've never been a bandit since I've started playing. I mostly just roam and pick up random bits of gear, occasionally heading into the high loot areas for gear, never sticking around for long as I usually get shot. I did once get a hold of a helicopter and was able to fly it very well though.

In game Name: Servebotfrank.

Edited by servebotfrank

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Name: Anthony

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: Ariy

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Looking for a team to help me out skilled are so but not enough

Experience in game: Very little

Timezone: Utc-700

Bio: Able to keep info flowing. Loyal to my allies and friendly

In game Name: Airy

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Name: Sean

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: FleshAndFaith


Why do you want to join?:

Have had fun playing Dayz but I feel I will have more fun, and be more successful playing in a group setting.

Experience in game:

Only about 2 weeks, however, I am constantly trying to learn via YouTube and other people.




I never shoot those unarmed or in hero costumes, without thoroughly confirming them as a hostile threat. While I am pretty new to the game I am very respectful to chain of command and eager to improve the clan as a whole.

In game Name:FleshAndFaith

Name: Andrew

Age: 16

TeamSpeak Name: carl256hgff (same on skype)

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: I have been playing Dayz for a couple of months now and thought it would be beneficial if I joined a group.

Experience in game: I have played for a couple of months and have had my fair share of combat.

Timezone: EST

Bio: I am curious as to what it feels like to have a solid group of survivors at my back. I prefer stealth and only engage players if threatened or shot at.

In game Name: carl256hgff

Name: Connor AKA Scumballer

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: Antunes

Mic?: Yup

Why do you want to join?: Im bored

Experience in game: Been playing DayZ off and on since June

Timezone: CST (-6)

Bio: Im a busy college student but when i have time i like to play DayZ

In game Name: Scumballer

Name: Frank

Age: 16

Teamspeak name: Servebotfrank

Mic: Yep.

Reason for joining: Well I have been playing this game since the day the mod came out back in April. During the time I have played I have been a member of quite a few groups and enjoyed the time I spent in almost every one of them. Being apart of another seems like it would be pretty fun.

Experience: I have had this game since April, I know my way around the map, I can fly, I still can't bring myself to be a bandit however.

Bio: Yep, been playing since April, I've never been a bandit since I've started playing. I mostly just roam and pick up random bits of gear, occasionally heading into the high loot areas for gear, never sticking around for long as I usually get shot. I did once get a hold of a helicopter and was able to fly it very well though.

In game Name: Servebotfrank.

Name: Anthony

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: Ariy

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Looking for a team to help me out skilled are so but not enough

Experience in game: Very little

Timezone: Utc-700

Bio: Able to keep info flowing. Loyal to my allies and friendly

In game Name: Airy

Pm you all now.

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Name: Neil

Age: 26 (old)

TeamSpeak Name: Mail Lite

Mic?: Yep

Why do you want to join?: Good times on Dayz

Experience in game: 6 weeks or so

Timezone: UK GMT

Bio: Playing casually but can be on for hours at a time, happy to follow and play other games where coms are kept serious during times of conflict and have experience from other games of Commanding gangs if required.

In game Name: Mail Lite

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Name: Neil

Age: 26 (old)

TeamSpeak Name: Mail Lite

Mic?: Yep

Why do you want to join?: Good times on Dayz

Experience in game: 6 weeks or so

Timezone: UK GMT

Bio: Playing casually but can be on for hours at a time, happy to follow and play other games where coms are kept serious during times of conflict and have experience from other games of Commanding gangs if required.

In game Name: Mail Lite

Will Pm you now.

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Name: Jay

TeamSpeak Name:agentkronus

Mic?: yeah, I use it alot.

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a group, obviously and have a lot of fun

Experience in game: A bit

Timezone: GMT

Bio: Scottish,decent gamer. I am always using teamspeak and playing dayz.

In game Name: agentkronus

Edited by agentkronus

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Name: Ty

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: tjlac

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: Group up and have some fun with a clan!

Experience in game: Medium experience, lots of military tactic experience though!

Timezone: central (Tennessee)

Bio: College student, play casually but I have lots of "bumming it" days where i play all day :D

In game Name: tjlac

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Name: Ty

Age: 19

TeamSpeak Name: tjlac

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: Group up and have some fun with a clan!

Experience in game: Medium experience, lots of military tactic experience though!

Timezone: central (Tennessee)

Bio: College student, play casually but I have lots of "bumming it" days where i play all day :D

In game Name: tjlac

Name: Jay

TeamSpeak Name:agentkronus

Mic?: yeah, I use it alot.

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a group, obviously and have a lot of fun

Experience in game: A bit

Timezone: GMT

Bio: Scottish,decent gamer. I am always using teamspeak and playing dayz.

In game Name: agentkronus

Pm you both now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Carlos

Age: 15

Skype Name: carlospenacareka.pena2 | shpootnick (team speak)

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: To have fun in the dead times.

Experience in game: Bought the game in June but havent been playing a lot since now. I am familiar with th big cities and what I soulh be looking for/doing. I can understand the zombies beahviour. Have never shot a sniper ( *sad face*). I usually use 1 Shot to kill zombies.

Timezone: GMT +0

Bio: I like to take risks when looting but I ususally am carefull for players. I have a shoot on sight policy depending on the areas although I am not a bandit. I can take orders and follow them without questioning them. Im not a crying baby pre-teenage boy, I am aware about some others of my age that rage but not me though.

In game Name: ASUS

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Name: Mike

Age: 26

TeamSpeak Name: mr.mike0020

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: I want to play with an organized group. Tired of being a loner

Experience in game: Alot. Downloaded the game as soon as it came out and play daily. Pretty decent shot with all guns and fimiliar with tactics.

Timezone: EST US

Bio: Pretty Sneaky and always try to be friendly with other players. I try not to shoot anyone unless they shoot at me first. I perfer sniper rifles to any other weapon.

In game Name: Mr.Mike

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Age:14(clans in other games have allowed me to join because of my maturity)

TeamSpeak Name:hogeyman


Why do you want to join?:It would be fun to play DayZ with a group of people :)

Experience in game:About 6 months

Timezone:EST US

Bio:I'm very engaging and agressive towards bandits. If a survivor has his weapon or gun pointed at me, I give them a warning shot to let them know I'm not be messed with. Also I usually don't shoot people on the coast because there fresh spawns, but if its up north its fair game. Overall I'm neutral when it comes to friendly or bandit.

In game Name:hogeyman

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Name: Jensen

Age: 15

TeamSpeak Name: Mozilla

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: i need a group and i enjoy helping people

Experience in game: 6 months

Timezone: pacific standard time

Bio: i like playing dayz, im easy to get along with, i dislike sqeakers, im on for most of the week.

In game Name: Mozilla

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