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[{F3ARGaming}] Are you in need of a group for DayZ? [Own TS Server][UK/WorldWide]All are Welcome!Recruiting!A Lot More Members.Admins Needed For TS.

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Name Rick

Age 35

Skype name is koalaman4412

Teamspeak it is just Rick

In Day Z go by Domani yet all of these names can be changed of course.

Mic Yes and headset

Timezone Eastcoast

Feel free to skype or if not on email me at [email protected] and we can iron out any details.

Been playing game for 2 months yet never with anyone else

Edited by Domani

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Name: Jake

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype name is " Puma_Squirrel" (Inside Joke), Teamspeak name is just Jake

Mic?: Yes A Headset

Experience in game: About two weeks

Timezone: Central

Bio: Love playing zombie games with groups and just having fun.

In game Name: Jake


Edited by Trodaire

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Name: Chase

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: oarkez

Mic?: Of course!

Experience in game: been playing for about 5 months now, I know most of the map and the game mechanics inside and out.

Timezone: EST (UTC -5)

Bio: Solo player interested in joining the group scene, as there is a lot of potential for new experiences there. Interested in scout and sniper roles, and I'm a very effective communicator.

In game Name: Chase

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Name: Jake

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype name is " Puma_Squirrel" (Inside Joke), Teamspeak name is just Jake

Mic?: Yes A Headset

Experience in game: About two weeks

Timezone: Central

Bio: Love playing zombie games with groups and just having fun.

In game Name: Jake


Name: Chase

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: oarkez

Mic?: Of course!

Experience in game: been playing for about 5 months now, I know most of the map and the game mechanics inside and out.

Timezone: EST (UTC -5)

Bio: Solo player interested in joining the group scene, as there is a lot of potential for new experiences there. Interested in scout and sniper roles, and I'm a very effective communicator.

In game Name: Chase

Pm you both now.

Edited by mooey53

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I am assuming you want experienced people?

I got this game gifted through Steam on Christmas so I am not sure if experience is a factor on choosing people for the group?

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Name: aaron

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: aaron.botham


Experience in game: know basics and hoping i will learn from you

Timezone: uk GMT

Bio: i like playing dayz :)

In game Name: Dizzico

Pm you now

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Redeker

Age: 18

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Redeker513

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: Yes about 2 months

Timezone: Eastern US (NY)

Bio: Very tactical...played arma 2 since release and love a tactical group. I listen well and execute orders well.

In game Name: Redeker

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Name: Redeker

Age: 18

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Redeker513

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: Yes about 2 months

Timezone: Eastern US (NY)

Bio: Very tactical...played arma 2 since release and love a tactical group. I listen well and execute orders well.

In game Name: Redeker

Hey, I'll Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Andy Morris

Age: 16

Skype: amlovepie

Mic: Yes

Xp in game: Know basics and hoping I will learn from you

TZ: Western US (California)

Bio: Love zombie games that you scavenge for items and vehicles. I listen to orders and like being tactical. I like being in groups and I like to play serious with a little fun :P

IGN: xximobossxx

Edited by xximobossxx

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Name: Kaegan

Age: 16

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: TeamSpeak id: ShadowDragonIII (capital i's)

Mic?: Yes.

Experience in game: Limited; could use more.

Timezone: Pacific Standard (-8:00)

Bio: Been playing Lone Wolf, but i'd much rather a group that would have my back as i'd have theirs.

In game Name: TheDarkDragon

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Name: Will

Age: 17

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Teamspeak- Willard

Mic?: Laptop Mic

Experience in game: Couple of months, can't pilot helos but that's about it

Timezone: east coast of U.S.

Bio: I have been solo so far, but want to try clan play. I am also looking to

be a Medic.

In game Name: Will

Edited by Willard1118

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Name: Jonas

Age: 19

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Favrexx

Mic?: Yes (Carcharias)

Experience in game: Been playing with friends for a couple of months (july) untill they quit, now mostly going solo but I miss the teamplay. Pretty good at anything but Heli's

Timezone: GMT+1

Bio: Used to play sniper whilst with my friends, can play anything if needed but I'd prefer sniping.

In game Name: Favrex

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Name: Jonas

Age: 19

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Favrexx

Mic?: Yes (Carcharias)

Experience in game: Been playing with friends for a couple of months (july) untill they quit, now mostly going solo but I miss the teamplay. Pretty good at anything but Heli's

Timezone: GMT+1

Bio: Used to play sniper whilst with my friends, can play anything if needed but I'd prefer sniping.

In game Name: Favrex

Will Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Trevor


Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: lordtrevdog

Mic?: yes

Experience in game:been playing sense about a 2 months after dayz was made

Timezone: pst

Bio: Been playing games sense i was 6 i never was a toys kid all video games xD, I make youtube videos in HD as well as stream in HD.

In game Name: Syberiangamer

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Name: Trevor


Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype: lordtrevdog

Mic?: yes

Experience in game:been playing sense about a 2 months after dayz was made

Timezone: pst

Bio: Been playing games sense i was 6 i never was a toys kid all video games xD, I make youtube videos in HD as well as stream in HD.

In game Name: Syberiangamer

Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:Skype: benasbenas9

Mic?:Yeh (Understanding English 100% Speaking 70-80%)

Experience in game:3-4weaks


Bio:FPS lover (BF3, Quake, COD, CSS and on on and on ) Hawe some shap skills at shooting, good pylot. Born with strategy tipe games, later started playing FPS so fast thinking and good strategy is in my blod, realy enjoy camping or stealth misions :PPP :D

In game Name:Benas

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Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:Skype: benasbenas9

Mic?:Yeh (Understanding English 100% Speaking 70-80%)

Experience in game:3-4weaks


Bio:FPS lover (BF3, Quake, COD, CSS and on on and on ) Hawe some shap skills at shooting, good pylot. Born with strategy tipe games, later started playing FPS so fast thinking and good strategy is in my blod, realy enjoy camping or stealth misions :PPP :D

In game Name:Benas

Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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Name: Lane Reeves

Age: 14

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: My skype name is lamabamalane My teamspeak name is lamabama

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: 5 hours

Timezone: US/Eastern

Bio: I like playing in groups and had hundreds of hours playing with groups in other games. I work well with other people and think before I act.

In game Name: Lane Reeves (trying to change it)

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Name: Lane Reeves

Age: 14

Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: My skype name is lamabamalane My teamspeak name is lamabama

Mic?: Yes

Experience in game: 5 hours

Timezone: US/Eastern

Bio: I like playing in groups and had hundreds of hours playing with groups in other games. I work well with other people and think before I act.

In game Name: Lane Reeves (trying to change it)

Will Pm you now.

Edited by mooey53

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I am 18, If your looking for a group to play Day Z with a lot. I have experience in playing the game and have spare time on my hands to be available for various things. I also have a YouTube channel available to put a lot of content onto if needed or want to. Not bothered about your timezone or whatever things can be arranged to make it easier for everybody. Hopefully this may be able to expand into a good community of players,This should help players in the squad to learn from others about the game including tactics etc, As a squad we can help others learn to play the game even more thus expanding everyone's knowledge, teamwork.

We now have our own Team Speak server and DayZ server thanks to donations off members and others.

Players requirements;

Experience in the game,

Will need to be over the age of 16 ,

Be serious in what is needed to be done,

Will need to be loyal to the squad,

Listen to leaders and respect all members at all times;

If not you will be dealt with severely,

Will need preferably Skype but Team Speak can be used,

In game;

Players will need to help others if need be,

Vehicles will need to be used appropriately as fuel could be low,

no other player will be fired upon unless told or under threat by others,

Tactics will definitely be used pretty much all the time,

Squad may need certain classes;

Sniper, For cover

Medic, medical supplies

Scout, To gain weapons, go into buildings first,

General items.

The main idea is to have fun playing

Please fill in this application form and I will try to respond within 24 hours;



Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:


Experience in game:



In game Name:





Name:Dione Woodley-Jones


Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:skype name xdwj1234x

Mic?:i have a mic

Experience in game:i have been playing for 2 weeks


Bio:Im a player that does what needs to be done. i go in cherno or elektro whenever to get what i need and make it out 90% of the time.I have been shot in the back multiple times and becoming a not so friendly .

In game Name:Mr.DWJ

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