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DayZPanthera-(1.7/99515) [REGULAR NP:OFF] - Dangerously Friendly - MAP/GUN/NVG | DayZ.ST

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Thought I should post a little blurb about a private hive I run.We have a small community of both bandits and survivors, and recently moved from Lingor to Panthera and we're loving it.Our hive has max vehicles, including Humvees, Ospreys, C-130s, Chinooks, and basically every unbanned vehicle Panthera will allow without the use of rMod.All fresh spawns start with a revolver, NVGs and a map, the rest is up to you.Lastly, for more info, head to our forums at http://hive.dayz.stSee you soon!

Edited by maxxxxpower

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We have very active admins - one of us is almost always on, and I'm available via email or Skype all the time. No hackers, just a solid community of both survivors and bandits. Try us out!

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