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Flying Boats?!

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Upon having run from a herd of 30+ zeds on a server today, the most amazing thing happened to me. Something knocked me unconscious and the zeds started to swarm me. Fearing the worst (dying) I kinda got a little angry and was ready to start over. But a miracle happened. From the heavens above descended an angel.... An angel in a boat. The boat came crashing down beside me and smashed all the zombies chasing me, bounced in the air and came back for round 2. The boat landed and once I came to consciousness I climbed aboard and it proceeded to teleport and smash people and zombies. This was my first time coming across a scripter so I had no idea what was happening. So here we were, the scripter and I, flying in a boat... Best Christmas present ever!

Sorry for the small picture, steam takes really small screenshots for some reason



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Seems like you had alot of luck... Cant this kind of stuff get you banned?

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The best thing that has happened to you in game is a hacker?

You must suck donkey balls.

It's shit like this that ruins the game for legitimate players and morons like you that praise and promote them just make it worse.

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Speaking this was my 2nd time playing DayZ yes this was the best. I'm not a moron for saying a flying boat was funny and kinda cool nor am I praising or promoting this. You have probably been playing more than I have so you have most likely dealt with this on a more frequent level than I have, but for this being my first time seeing a hacker it was interesting. Do I wish there were more hackers in games? No, because he killed me a few times from across the map.

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