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Yet another new player looking for fellow survivors thread!

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Just started playing and would love to find some amigos to play with. I think the game would

be that much more fun and you have someone to watch your back.

- Got a mic

- Am mature

- PST Time zone... Oregon

- Probably be on at night after work / morning before


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I would like to join up with you.

I also got a mic, CAN be mature (everyone should have his childish moments...right?)

Full name: Shane Hilton (Could've guessed that couldn't we?)

Wanna team up?

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Me and my buddy would like to join you. I am in the PST zone and i play whenever. I have skype:xdwj1234x to and my steam name is dwj1234

Edited by dwj4321

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Added both you guys on skype and steam.

My steam Id is grantasaurus541

Anyone else wanna team up? Haven't actually got to play with anyone yet


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