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Bonham (DayZ)

Mature Player LFG

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First, let me tell a little about myself. I am 28 years old. I have around 12 years online gaming experience. I have played everything from Call of Duty to Shadowbane (MMO). I am great in team settings and am not selfish. I am not a hardcore griefer but eventually plan to play offensively in this game. Due to my career, I can't spend tons of time gaming anymore (those days are long gone). Though I am a casual player, I am easy going and can jump into any situation without worries of self interest.

I am new to DayZ and have immediately noticed the need to run in teams. I want to give the game a try running around with a dedicated group of players.

Here are some things I am looking for:

  • Absolutely no guild ran by children - Meaning leadership should be 18 or older
  • Casual gaming experience
  • PvP Oriented
  • North American - Central Timezone
  • Team that is focused on prolific gameplay

Prolific gameplay = not bang bang ur ded noob. But 2v5 your squad is dead. We set an elaborate trap your dead. We comb the woods to hunt you down and your dead type of stuff.

I have skype and ventrilo. I can get teamspeak if it is needed.

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Hello my name is Morpe I am from a fairly new clan called Fallen Immortals we are looking for new players here is a link to a post on the dayz forum please fill out the form and then just join are teamspeak and talk to either Royale,Troy,or AiViA

You can join the clan here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113555-fi-fallen-immortals-open-recruitment/#entry1073818

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yo. check out http://not.enjin.com. The recruitment process is there to weed out the derps - we're tired of recruiting incompetent rambling idiots

We are a group of friends who play together. Right now about 4 regular players. Most of us play daily. We're all 24+ yrs old. We've been playing since DayZ release last year. Some of us are armed forces so when we get serious, we are effective. We like to bitch at each other and have a good time. We play DayZ(mostly play Namalsk and/or servers with extra vehicles) and Wasteland (and I44).

Check out this video to get an idea of gameplay with us (its a wasteland clip). It's long but comprehensive in terms of what we're like in down time, and how we react under fire.

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Hey mate, check out vindictive gamers, we host two servers chernarus and taviana, we are a friendly growing community. Hop in TS with us if you want to play a game

Teamspeak IP:

Forums: vindictivegamers.com

About us / Events we host: vindictivegamers.com/index.php?/topic/352-and-we-are-live/#entry1070

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