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SRT Special Response Team for the invaded islands. We aim at the heads of bandits NOT UNARMED PLAYERS. As the Special Response Teamwe accept distress calls to any of the islands that we are available to, as we do respond, we also bring the team with us, no matter what. You never know how clever a bandit can get, one minute your on a distress call the next your in a sticky situation, we are gathering the best skilled players around, we will use your great abilities to our fullest extent. SRT DOES NOT ENDORSE BANDITRY. Bandits ARE KOS, bandits are our only KOS group, unless someone else crosses a line, then they will be added. Until we get enough players we don't accept distress calls, We will need a good number of team members, so please apply. We hope to make allies with all clans, except bandits of course.We are Bambi friendly, that DOES NOT mean we accept them as recruits. If you are tired of bandits, tired of the killing of unarmed players or anything else related to this nature, YOU are welcome to sign up to join the SRT team today. We are a clan in the DayZ Horror environment link is below.

Dayzhorrror: http://dayzhorror.com/

SRT Homepage: http://dayzhorror.co.../groups/10-srt/

Post your application as a reply below. Thanks and make sure you fill everything out in the format below. As I accept you, you will be expected to join the DayZHorror website, sign up, and then once you have done so, you report it to me on teamspeak and I will invite you to the clan on the website.

Application Format:


How long have you played DayZ:

Why do you Want to join SRT:

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):

Have you read the rules?:

Do you accept these rules?:

Do you have a working mic?:

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:

What timezone do you live in:

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:


If you want to come to the teamspeak and talk to me my Teamspeak name is Policebear88320,

Teamspeak Ip: ts.survivingthehorror.net

Doing teamspeak interviews, PM me when you get on the teamspeak

SRT Rules:

Must be 14+

Must have experience in playing DayZ

Must stay active in the group

RESPECT EVERYONE ESPECIALLY ME AND ANY OTHER LEADERSHIP (Fail to do this and you will be dealt with.)

If you are ordered to do something, DO IT.

ABSOLUTELY NO shooting unarmed players or anyone who is not a bandit.

Stick with the team, unless you are ordered to leave the parameter stay in formation.

Required Knowledge: You need to have a working knowledge of the primary keyboard controls and functions of the game. You should have several weeks of game time under your belt so that you know what you are doing.

Vehicles: These are off limits until you have taken your test. We do not wish to lose a vehicle from inexperienced driving. If you find one, contact a ranked member of SRT with map cords (or at least a general area approximation so we know where you are located) and wait for instructions.

High value items: These items will be distributed by officers or appointed members of leadership positions so that we will be able to have a strong team of experienced shooters.

Base Camps: Areas that stockpile equipment for the teams use: You will need to be a “team” player and demonstrate this with donations of loot before you receive cords to the base. Camps are not for you to pick from for shits and giggles you will be told what you are allowed to have. Along with the permissions to know where the base is you are to protect it at any cost.

Keep a tab on everything that goes in or out of the base camp.

Rules of Engagement:


  • NEVER engage an unarmed player or with a player that does not post a threat to you or the squad.
  • If you are not sure of whether or not to engage, ask your squads field commander, DO NOT fire if you have doubt.
  • (Recon rules for bandits). If you come across someone who has a bandit skin or someone who you know has been shooting at unarmed players, alert your team of the bandits location and confirm that it is a bandit after your field commander gives you the green light, you take them down. (Right now the server is working on getting a certain skin for the bandit clan so we will be able to tell better)
  • (Non-recon rules for bandits) Alert your team of the bandit, tell them your opening fire, and take the shot.
  • If you are to find a player who is in your path and has a gun, DO NOT KILL THEM,(Unless their a bandit) you will not kill them, try your best to knock them out.
    If you have a high powered rifle and can not knock them out, contact a field commander through team speak who will decide what is best at the time.
  • When we go out on a mission we go out in a group, get close to the waypoint and then split up, we don't need to get our asses kicked because we were all lined up like a free head-shot store.
  • If there is someone in side chat requesting help, alert your field commander of the distress call (I know no one is watching side chat 24/7 but if you happen to spot something, alert your field captain, he will establish a plan to help them, and at the same time be on your toes in-case it's a trap.)

Server Rules

No cheating, hacking, duping or exploiting. Anyone using a tool or game glitch to gain an advantage over others will be banned.

It is mandatory to report all glitches. Failure to report accidental duping will be considered as intentional

Committing suicide to change spawn locations will not be tolerated.

No combat logging.

No flaming, spamming, racist or hateful remarks.

No Global communication via microphone.

Thank you.





Edited by Policebear88320
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How long have you played DayZ: Since release date

Why do you Want to join SRT: I wanna join some people and you have good rules!

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):Assault Rifle Orienred, Driver and i can do other things aswell

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Veux

What timezone do you live in: Gmt+1

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Most days i ply Dayz alot :P

Edited by Veux

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Age: 22

How long have you played DayZ: Honestly, I can't remember. But I'm definitely not a Bambi by any means.

Why do you want to join SRT: To fight against the Bandit oppression.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Marksman, recon, assault rifle oriented, driver.

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you accept these rules?: Yes

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so what is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes, JMocks

What timezone do you live in: EST

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: M-F, 4:30pm-11:00pm | Saturday, 10am-whenever | Sunday, 10am-11pm

Edited by JMocks

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How long have you played DayZ:3 Months

Why do you Want to join SRT:

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):Recon, Pilot Driver ,Marksman

Have you read the rules?:,Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:oGsTrapezoID

What timezone do you live in:Eastern

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):US

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Weekends sometimes on vacation! 12:00 PM Eastern - 2 PM

Edited by GeneralPancake

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How long have you played DayZ:3 Months

Why do you Want to join SRT:

What is your strength in DayZ;Pilot, Driver Intel gathering,Sniper Spotter

Have you read the rules?:,Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:Inconspicous

What timezone do you live in:GMT+0

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):Uk

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?Everyday

Edited by goblinate

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How long have you played DayZ:3 Months

Why do you Want to join SRT:

What is your strength in DayZ;Pilot, Driver Intel gathering,Sniper Spotter

Have you read the rules?:,Yes

Do you accept these rules?:Yes

Do you have a working mic?:Yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:Inconspicous

What timezone do you live in:GMT+0

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):Uk

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?Everyday

Please apply on the more recent post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113557-special-response-team-open-recruitment/

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How long have you played DayZ: 7 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: Had enough of seeing Bambis calling out for help and no one getting to them.

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Pilot, driver, sniper/spotter, scout.

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: WhoringStates

What timezone do you live in: GMT + 8.00

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Singapore (not in china)

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: Everyday

Edited by WhoringStates

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How long have you played DayZ: 7 months

Why do you Want to join SRT:to have for and play with some cool peeps

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):recon,marksman and some times i like to do some CQB

Have you read the rules?: yes

Do you accept these rules?: yes

Do you have a working mic?: yes

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:billy6262

What timezone do you live in:est

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): the US of A

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: week 3-9pm est weekend 1pm-4am

thank you for your consideration


Edited by billy6262

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How long have you played DayZ: 2 or 3 months

Why do you Want to join SRT: I want to Join A "Good" clan to help the people and kill bandits

What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Recon/Scouting

Have you read the rules?: Yes I Have.

Do you accept these rules?: Yes I Do.

Do you have a working mic?: Yes I Do.

Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here:Yes I Do, My TS Name Is Weadyen

What timezone do you live in: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): United States

What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?:Mondays-Fridays = 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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']Age: 18

How long have you played DayZ: A couple weeks

']Why do you Want to join SRT: Looking for a trusted group of people to enjoy DayZ with

']What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.):Infantry[

} ']Have you read the rules?: Yes, clearly understandable

']Do you accept these rules?: Yes

} ']Do you have a working mic?: Yes (Just need to know how to get into a chat group)

]Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: BrandonB529

][} ']What timezone do you live in: Eastern Time

']What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): U.S.A[/font

][]What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be av]ailable?: Everyday from when i wake up to when i go to sleep ;)

Edited by brandonb529

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