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Drakusman (DayZ)

Banned from FR 129

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Yesterday i got message:

You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Admin Ban

(BP-scripts-1 Drakusman 24.12.2012 01:54:20))

BTW: I never use cheat hacks scripts etc. I dont know what is script...

So Why i get a ban ? What i can do with that?

Edited by Drakusman

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Why the fuck i get that fking ban idiots? I never use ur fucking scirpt i dont know how can i delete that shit! Unlock me i want to play with my mate... Ur noobish autolicker suck so much. I wnat to unlock me i dont have scripts. I play dayz maybe 6 mounth and nerer seen that message!

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iam also a little bit frustrated...

I play every day on FR34 with my mates(and only on this server!), because its the whole time filled with 52 players and that with a very good ping and on the server are nearly no hackers, cheaters or kind of that. The only cheating/hacking activity on me i can count was a remote control by me in my heli, and my heli crashed after that.

Please unban me :(

iam not in the mood to join the other cheating servers where i loose my stuff in this nonsense mass dying actions caused by hacking -.-

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yesterday i found 3 vehicles o.O and a lots of great stuff and i cant play now... Because fking autoban find script. I dont know what is that :/ Im waiting for unban me. On all servers i can play normaly but on this i see message "You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Admin Ban

(BP-scripts-1 Drakusman 24.12.2012 01:54:20))"

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On all servers i can play normaly but on this i see message "You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Admin Ban

(BP-scripts-1 Drakusman 24.12.2012 01:54:20))"

you are unbanned.

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