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Ban - Setdamage?

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I just got this game like 2 days ago, i really want to play, Trying to do a Bootcamp a Sever set up. Then i got ban for set damage.

Is their any way to fix or do i have to get unban and how?

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Sounds like a really idiotic admin. There're things called "executions", which is basically what admins look for to find admins. Pretty much everyone executes a "Set Dammage" execution, and has no effect whatsoever on the game. It's basically trash that you're supposed to look over, really. It'd be a bit too long and boring for me to explain all the 'admin stuff', so I'm just going to say; the admin that banned you has no idea what he's doing.

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Hahaha Thanks! The guy from the server that was helping just told me to post it up. But thanks for the info! ^_^

Kudos to you sir! :beans:

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Sounds like a really idiotic admin. There're things called "executions", which is basically what admins look for to find admins. Pretty much everyone executes a "Set Dammage" execution, and has no effect whatsoever on the game. It's basically trash that you're supposed to look over, really. It'd be a bit too long and boring for me to explain all the 'admin stuff', so I'm just going to say; the admin that banned you has no idea what he's doing.

I will disagree with you here. SetDamage is usually legal, however, SetDamage 1.00000 means someone is insta-killing someone else. That is never legal and should be banned for.

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SetDamage 1.00000 usually occurs too when script kiddie drives through walls and obstacles with vehicle that instant repairs itself. Everytime I have seen value 1.00000 something suspicious has been going on :D

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