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Computer has low memory?

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so i finally got arma 2 so i can play dayZ hassle free and i been playing for about a week, and then today i was playing and my screen started gltiching out. black screen with the chatbox to the left and kept saying receiving in the middle flashing every 3 seconds. My computer had pulled and error box saying your computer has low memory. Windows will close only the necessary amount of programs to fix this. then arma 2 closes out. i have 8 gb of ram on my windows 8 pc.


Cpu: i7 3630qm 2.40 ghz

ram: 8gb

OS: windows 8 64 bit

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Make sure that nothing else is running in the background that can chew up memory. It may also be an issue with your graphics, what card do you have?

EDIT: It may also be an issue with Windows 8 as it is fairly recent, im not sure on the difference bewteen Windows 7 and 8 in software and processes though.

Edited by M4uler367

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Make sure that nothing else is running in the background that can chew up memory. It may also be an issue with your graphics, what card do you have?

EDIT: It may also be an issue with Windows 8 as it is fairly recent, im not sure on the difference bewteen Windows 7 and 8 in software and processes though.

i have an AMD Radeon HD 7670m, and i think its windows 8 too but idk

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i have an AMD Radeon HD 7670m, and i think its windows 8 too but idk

It's probably windows 8 then, since it is new. Try and look it up on Google and have a look at the Processes whilst running a program and see if it spikes to a unusally large amount.

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Go to start, right click my computer -> properties. Click "Advanced system settings" on the mid left side. Once you're in, go to the Advanced tab, and on performance, click settings. Once again, click advanced, and on the mid right, click "Change...". If you have No paging file (Should say none next to C:), click C:, click "System managed size", and then "Set". Then ok/apply/ everything out, restart, and let us know if this happens again

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