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Group to play with

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Hi everyone,

My name is Brandon, I've been playing for about 5 months now. Maybe 6, idk. Most the time I'll play with a group from people i have met either in game or on this site , Most of the time I'll paly with them for a bit untill they prob stop playing or at least i cant get in contact w/ them. I'm on very often during school breaks such as the upcoming winter break which is now for about 2 weeks, and am on most weekdays and weekends. I mostly play as a bandit but will help people out if I feel it's necessary. (Not very often) I also like to use vehicles to get around. I play on private hive servers to educe hackers, usually paly on one were vehicles spawns are high, have a few that i paly on regulary. (Spelled wrong) We would play on skype as well, I'm 15, but often paly with others 18+

So if you want to join you need to be - 1. Mature - 14+ 2. NEED headset so we can hear you clearly. 3. skype 4. Experience doesn't really matter but should at least try. 5. Be on regularly 6. Speak fluent English

If you want to join just fill this out so we can get a general idea of who you are, also this group will paly with others outside of group, if that's ok.

My ex:

Age: 15

Skype: UnbornAssassin

Preferred Role in game: Sniper, driver, assault (Other ex: Medic, spotter)

Experience: 5-6 months

Preferred name to be called: Brandon

Please message me on skype and post here on forums to join. Thx everyone

Edited by UnbornAssassin?

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Hello my name is Morpe I am from a fairly new clan called Fallen Immortals we are looking for new players here is a link to a post on the dayz forum please fill out the form and then just join are teamspeak and talk to either Royale,Troy,or AiViA

You can join the clan here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113555-fi-fallen-immortals-open-recruitment/#entry1073818

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