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RNet [Whitelist] [Veteran] [3DP:ON | CH:OFF | GMT:0]

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DayZ – RNet [private hive – only whitelist] [email protected] –

Server Settings: Veteran 3DP: ON, CH: OFF, GMT 0

Forum: http://dayz.rnet.ru

About the server:

- Automatic system of permanent ban players, who spawns any weapon, not presented in DayZ and cars in the places, not provided with original DayZ.

- We don't restore dead characters, items, cars, etc. (Don't forget that this is alpha testing and ArmA has a bunch of bugs, which we are not responsible)

- The server reboots every 6 hours, it will be reported in addition to all the players in the chat. This is a necessary condition for the functioning of the game server.

Several changes:

- Del. AS50 & L85

- Reduced chance of loot on helicrashs

- Added AK107-PSO

To play on our server follow these requirements:

- Age 18+

- Poor English language.

- Desire to help the administration to deal with possible cheaters.

- Relog banned

You have to do:

- A little bit about yourself - age, English language skills, experience playing DayZ and other information to help us decide to add you to the server.

- Your nickname.

- One - time connect to the server, that we may see in the logs your GUID.

These conditions are required for each player. Each player must send an email to [email protected] with those listed above.

Edited by PatrioT0294

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