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{LR}Grim Reaper

Looking for 2 - 4 aussie players

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It doesn't look like you are but if you're still after people to play with we have a little clan of around 5 or 6 going, we mostly fight clans on their servers and we also play battlefield.

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Jump on the aVagaming servers(only seen aussies so far on these servers), they have 3(chernarus, panthera and Taviana) Good servers with very little hacks. Their forums are also pretty good.

Edited by TPM

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Hows it going I am from 21st Rangers Battalion, we are an expert clan which is based on millitary-strategy in DayZ. we are open to all age groups and currently we have Australian, UK, and American players.

Our Clan Forum is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...en-recruitment/

You can send us an application here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVGWjhyZW9pQUZqU2wya0pVaVQ3ZWc6MQ#gid=0

Hope to hear back from you, Whendrix502

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Hey if youre still looking for players, im extremely experienced and im currently at NW Airfield with a fully working car (thats legit, no hacks) and a lot of gear, snipers, assault rifles, you name it. Needing someone to play with. Add me on Skype: pearcybrah ... Hope to hear from youse

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