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Log in after ~4 months to see Global Banned.

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So. Here's the deal. I haven't played DayZ in about 4 months due to a lot of irrelevant things however I get the itch to log in today and play a bit and see that I have been globally banned. There is no reason, no error code, nothing. (nb4 hacker talk) I wish I was a no-nut piece of shit that could stomach hacking. It would make life on DayZ much less stressful. I have never used a hack for any game nor would I consider it. (Yes yes, I know....Those words have never been uttered by a hacker...) When I last played, everything was fine. I'm just kind of a at loss as to the why and the how of it all. Would purchasing a new key fix this? I'm just looking for options at this point. It's a great game and I would like to keep playing.

Let the flaming begin!!!!

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/Close this please. I just did some digging and came to the conclusion that BattleEye doesn't give a shit about the how's and why's anymore than DayZ. Nothing can be done short of buying a new game, I guess; so I'll be waiting for the SA.

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Please appeal your global ban here ~ http://www.battleye.com/support.html

  • No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity.
  • It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period.
  • A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it.
  • No details about your ban (including evidence) will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information.
  • If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made.
  • Questions regarding how exactly to get unbanned will not be answered. No support will be given on how to buy a new game or change your cd-key.

​I bolded the pertinent information.. Thanks for responding though.

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