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super pretendo

is 50 player cap a design choice?

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or just a temporary technical limitation? because for such a gigantic map, 50 players is really nothing. Chernarus is awesome and a perfect size for this game, but for the exploration, coop and survival aspect, it seems quite small, at a population density of about 0.2 per square km. Player interaction, which is if course by far the most fun part of the mod, is quite limited, and can only occur organically in chernogorsk or elektro, and there it's usually by gunshot due to people being spooked by the sight of a player. Everywhere else is either friends or people meeting up through chat. I think 100 players would be a healthy medium. Is anything like this planned?

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if you get a server that can support it - as that's the limitation

I say go for it

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You haven't played DayZ enough... The Wasteland is everybit as dangerous as Cherno and Electrolol, if not more as the most deadly players tend to spend their time there...

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There isn't a server powerful enough and ArmA: 2's dedicated limitations alone make it harder so at the most you'll see around 65.

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I like the feeling that I can wonder around for hour after hour without meeting anyone, but still having that nagging feeling that if I do I have to be ready for it. It keeps me on the edge, and applies to the horror aspect of the game for me. If there were more players it would be impossible to go to any of the towns. You would be shot.

The feeling when I enter Stary Sobor, or any other town, after spending 15 min looking out over the city to make sure its safe is thrilling.

Many more players will make it more a slugfest. No way you can survive on your own and still get some decent gear. Sniper overwatch when entering any city will be even more of a must. The feeling of being alone. Vulnerable. In a huge landscape. That is what makes this game for me.

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Another example is Project reality the mod can achieve 100+ PvP players, because there is no AI at all.

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100 people would be way too intense. Like Gilion said, having too many people would make it impossible to enter a city without being shot and killed.

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