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Cornered by Bloodsuckers, wat do?

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So, I recently fresh spawned into this Namalsk server I'm a fan of, and landed in the wilderness. Literally in the middle of BFE. I ran down the coast, and lo and behold, found a wrecked C130! Well I forgot to mention that at this point, I'm being chased by multiple bloodsuckers, complimented by a cadre of Zeds. I get into the C130 and find 2 PKMs, 2 mags for them, a Broken GPS, and Camo Clothing!!! Lucky day right? No. I managed to cap 1 bloodsucker, but one is outside, and I've been hit a few times. So, wat do?

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and thats why rocket added the G17 icon so people can't be cheap like that :P put up a tent, call for help, suicide run (no ranged enemies so it might work)

on a side note i havent encountered a BS yet, are they faster than players, if so use explosives or smoke for distraction

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They aren't faster, but maybe just as fast. I'm fresh, so no smoke or frags/satchels. :/ And I wasn't being cheap I have to go to a Christmas party soon. :P Hahaha.

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and thats why rocket added the G17 icon so people can't be cheap like that :P put up a tent, call for help, suicide run (no ranged enemies so it might work)

on a side note i havent encountered a BS yet, are they faster than players, if so use explosives or smoke for distraction

People can still AltF4, I've seen it happen, and you can still exit the game while in Combat Mode.

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People can still AltF4, I've seen it happen, and you can still exit the game while in Combat Mode.

Yeah, pissed me off when I found out about that. I was running just outside of cherno when I spotted a player with a DMR and coyote pack running in the northern treeline so I naturally assumed that he was sniping the town and of course I was right, he fired a good 20 rounds in my direction and missed every single shot (typical town sniper). So I went after him with only my trusty Winchester and a few slugs and after a short game of peek-a-boo around some trees I knocked him out and when I moved up to abuse him before finishing him off he just poofed.

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It should kill them instantly if they leave with the combat timer on...i believe that is how it is supposed to work? Owell, they fix that in the next update.

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How many rounds in the pkm mag? Surely you have ammo left with 2 clips found?

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