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New Spec Ops/ hitman Team! Join!

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So guys im relitevly new but ive got around some stories, but now i would like to start a spec ops team. I shall be recruiting ANYONE who will ask. Our Mission will include:

  • Taking contracts to assasinate other Bandits
  • find gear and bring it to the person who ordered and be rewarded
  • Scavange and help other freindly players
  • We will have our own base, in a really nice location i found

SO if you are interested i would be very happy, please add me on steam and i shall then tell you my location and then i will create a group.

P.S- right now im starting again so anyone willing to help me will be rewarded with my secret stash

My steam is blackcobrasnp and skype is black_cobra_bcto

Thank you. by the way its public hive (:

Edited by BlackNRed_Cobra
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