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El Barto 227

Official DayZ Wiki?

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DayZ has become quite popular for a mod that's still in Alpha, and i think that it could benefit from having an official wiki, most likely created by Rocket (because he is the main Dev, he sould get the honour of starting it, and that would prove it's officialness). this may be just a mod, but it has great potential, and it will be truly amazing when completed.

the reason i think it should be started now (if at all) is that the mod is incomplete. if we wait until it is complete, there could be 5x as much to do to get a DayZ wiki up to a decent standard. it would be easier to start it now, and add information from updates as they come. that way we can have a nice shiny and 95-99% ready wiki when the mod is officially out of Beta, not months later.

a DayZ Wiki would be great for new players still learning the ropes to find out stuff like "What is a bandit?" (i was on this forum for more than an hour before i found out what it meant. going to (example only) "DayZ.wikia.com/wiki/Bandit" would be easier) and pro players alike. if you wanted to check out a map of Chernarus or what that thing chomping on your brains is, a wiki would be a great solution.

i would suggest using Wikia, because it has everything we need for this. imagine a wiki page with a dark background and silver text, with red links (sounds familiar?). i've used Wikia, and i like it a lot, and it's quite easy to learn how to use it properly.

before Rocket makes it (IF he decides to), we need to come up with some feedback and ideas such as:

  • Name. DayZ Wiki would be direct and to the point, but perhaps we could think of something more creative. something with Chernarus or DayZ etc in it?
  • Colour scheme and background image. i suggest a theme simillar to these forums, but we could choose something else.
  • URL address. all wikia wikis have something like "teswiki.wikia.com for "The Elder Scrolls Wiki". dayz.wikia.com or dayzmod.wikia.com?
  • and anything lse you can come up with. perhaps a cool layout for the main page? affliated wikis? etc.

so, who agrees? who disagrees? who has any constructive critisism?

I'd really love to get Rocket's opinion on this.

thank you all for reading, i hope you like this suggestion.

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The official wiki is here: http://dayzwiki.com

Even Rocket hates it.

PS: You are more than welcome to signup there and help making the wiki even better.

Travel safe


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Technically it's not the official wiki since it operates as a separate entity from the actual dev team. It still is the largest and best however, and, as your signature points out, has been acknowledged by rocket.

EDIT: Or are you endorsed as the official wiki now? I made my original comment based on assumptions and smokie's original post not 2 months ago. I was just poking around on the wiki and stumbled upon the old logo which even says Unofficial in it. What prompted the logo change? I recall seeing a post by Adam from around April saying that an official wiki was 'nearly finished'. Did they just drop it in favor of smokie's wiki?

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