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no players on utes?

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i have six launcher and theres only a couple servers with people on utes and the highest pop server has only 9 players....is this normal?

Edited by pizzaman408

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Might have an old version of utes, get dayz commander and update everything. Should find more players that way.

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im only getting a couple more empty servers..... wats the matter? the most populated server has ten players wtf?

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I'm pretty sure Utes died a couple days after release. The PvP was a nightmare! You could shoot a man across the island because it was so small...

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Lol idk why anyone would think Utes would be a good map for DayZ, its pretty much just there for the in game tutorials and messing about in armoury. Its not popular because it is too small and open. Try Namalsk, thats a good map.

Edited by PracticalTactical

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I have a couple of UTES servers favorited that hit 15-20 players all the time. They have custom PvP loadouts. UTES is a PvPers dream BECAUSE the map is so small. Non-PvPers won't like it at all because they are easier to find and just get killed faster. Unless the server says "You will be Banned for Banditry", PvP haters should stay away from UTES. Honestly.

Edited by NoyZ

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