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Looking for Group. I have a teamspeak server.

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Hey all. Im just a friendly Dayz player looking to team up with some guys. Just looking to have some fun and not play alone. I have my own teamspeak server and you guys are more than welcome to join it.

Let me know if your interested.

My info.

Steam name- Stig

Skype- Stigmiester5190


Location- Florida USA.

Edited by Stigmiester

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Cant find this guy on steam,or skype but i added kasey

Steam: resortog

Skype: daresort

Ventrilo: Chromium.typefrag.com Port: 32994

Edited by Resort

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Name: Dan

Age: 14

Timezone (GMT, UTC, etc.) : Eastern Standard Time

Callsign: Eagle 1

Speak Fluent English : Yes

Do you have Skype? : Yes (add blackopspro4)

Playstyle (overwatch, CQB, etc.) Overwatch, Assault

Time Playing DayZ : Sense June

Any Skills that you are proud of / beneficial to a group? : I can fly a helicoper, I am a very good sniper, also good with assualt rifles

Any other information that you think applies here:

Im not the best with pistols, i am very mature, my voice is not that high, I have a decent headset and a teamspeak client, getting new computer to play dayz on better graphical settings, I can download anymap you need me to, i also know my way around Cheranaus without a map.

Thank you for taking time to read this message, Axesteel out.

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Hows it going I am from 21st Rangers Battalion, we are an expert clan which is based on millitary-strategy in DayZ. we are open to all age groups and currently we have Australian, UK, and American players.

Our Clan Forum is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...en-recruitment/

You can send us an application here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVGWjhyZW9pQUZqU2wya0pVaVQ3ZWc6MQ#gid=0

Hope to hear back from you, Whendrix502

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