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Something horrible and disrespectful happened.

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Hey there. Me and my two friends joined a server this day. The name was DE 1051.

We played a while, and we had really good guns, which we had gotten from another server before. After a while we took a short 10 minute break. When logging back on we were dead.

We didn't get killed by anyone. We were just dead. We found no corpses. We tried to disconnect, and we died again.

This is really disrespectful, to not say anything like: "If you join this server, you will loose all your items".

Is there any way we can get it back? Was it the server, or a hacker?

Thanks in advance.

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Are you skipping between public and private servers? Did you actually "die" or did you just spawn in fresh when you joined? More details please.

Edited by Fraggle

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We just joined it today morning. We were in no other server. We didn't die. We just spawned fresh without our stuff. We had really nice items, and it was a huge shame.

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It may be a bug or a bad server restart. Is it public or private?

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It's public. Thing is, we tried to disconnect several times afterwards, and we ended up "dying" again all the time. By dying I mean that we were able to choose gender, etc.

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It sounds like there's a problem with that server. You could try contacting the admin via these forums or if you're lucky they may have their own forums. Apart from that there isn't much you can do.

I know it's horrible to lose gear to a bug/bad server but just remember that this is a mod and there is always a chance of this happening for many reasons :(

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Hm. Seems like it's a hacker server. My friend stumbled across a post made by someone who visited the server, stating that there were hackers there.

We noticed some suspicous stuff there. We found alot of dead bodies in Cherno. Is there any way that some admin could ban the hackers?

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I'd advise you to find a good private server. The admins have much more control over who plays there and a good admin can pretty much make sure there is no hacking at all or in the worst case scenario roll back the server if they do get hacked.

I haven't played a public server for over 3 months now and I haven't seen a hacker for a VERY long time. It's not the admins fault, it's just that trying to protect a public server from hackers is almost impossible.

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