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tai tran

first experience and looking for partners.

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sorry for the looooooong wall of words :@

The first time i played was in a russian server and it was really dark, pitch black. All i did was throw flares as far as i can and followed it, not caring where it will take me. After a few minutes of running alone in the dark and leaving a loooooooong line of flares we finally saw a house. Unknowingly i ran towards it making as much noise as possible. Not a good idea cause a zombie popped up infront of me causing my cousin and I to scream. In panic i shot a full round, not at the zombie but everywhere But the zombie. A long story short i was overpowerd by zombies and eventually and inevitably died. The next time i respawned i was somewhere near electro. Finally deciding either i go towards to electro dying by zombies and if not, bandits. Yes, bandits. they scared me the most than anything at the moment. When i finally met electro i was by the docks, travled my way towards the heart of the city. Found bandages and some food i hauled up into a two story building. I thought i was safe until i heard someone whispering something. i didn't know if it was me or an actual person. When it stopped i felt alil at ease, slightly unnerved. All was fine till i heard " no no no no no" iver and over again. The words didn't scare me but the way it was said was scary, i don't know how to explain it but when i hear it, it will be low and after a few seconds it will die down again. out of nowhere i will hear it again, it was really unnerving me so i picked my items up and walked downstairs. Thats when night came. i heard the voice as if it was close to me. i crouched and threw a chemlight. my intention was to throw it far away hoping it will grab the persons attention, taking him out but instead it glitch and the light didnt go nowwhere and i was dead center. i heard the persons voice getting louder, steadily comming my way but i did not know where it was comming from then BAM he was right next to me causing me to throw my mouse and making my characters head spase out. i bet my attacker knew he was getting me and seeing that i spased out he attacked, killing me and looting my body. he beat me with physiologicl warfare..nice, well played.

(please excuse my grammer i'm asian :PPP)

now my last thing. I've been looking for a player who wouldn't shoot me in the face when i refuse to trade food for soda :/ i never killed anybody but the undead, Im on a crappy laptop so I'm no threat. i have a mic but not on the laptop.i know how to play and anyone is fine. English please!

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i think this is the guy your talking about =) LOL made me laugh so hard.

regardless if u want someone else to play with im relatively new, can add me on steam im desert565

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i think this is the guy your talking about =) LOL made me laugh so hard.

regardless if u want someone else to play with im relatively new' date=' can add me on steam im desert565


"no no no" xD

i think this is the guy your talking about =) LOL made me laugh so hard.

regardless if u want someone else to play with im relatively new' date=' can add me on steam im desert565


added steam name mclovin :3

I would love to hunt zombies with someone that's not a serial killer. Add me on skype at thetruewood377

my skype died..sadly *ahem* steam name?


Add me on skype


my skype died a loong time ago xD steam name?

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