Genki Dama 49 Posted June 17, 2012 Okay so been on the forum coming on a week and i get really annoyed by the attitude from hardcore dayz players. Really, if someone doesn't like an update, don't just come to the assumption "hurp durp he must suck at this game, cause he obviously plays CoD... hurp derp" No you make yourselves look like dickheads nuff said. 1.7.1 update came out and basically some people find it too hard. Does it mean that all they play is CoD? Of course not so get the fucking idea out of your heads, stuck up forum brats. They think it is too hard and then when they come on you tell them to get off and go somewhere else. I think the game shouldn't be all harcore personally. Because then ROCKET would only sell the game to about 10-20% of the DayZ players.General gamers want to play a game that they find fun. If the update ruined that they should have the right to express their opinion without forum elitests ( you know who you are, the dickheads) slagging them off. And all I say is Let the hate toward me begin :heart: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoboss 224 Posted June 17, 2012 /signed. I mean, aside from the bugs that are still there after 1.7.1 I like the patch, but the attitude of most fanboys in this forum is just horrible ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 17, 2012 You're entitled to your opinion but when you express it on a forum you've got to be prepared for others to express counter opinions.Welcome to the internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 17, 2012 Of course you have the right to express yourself, problem is HOW most people choose to do so. If you make a garbage rage post thats barely comprehendible, thats the kind of anwser you'll get back.And really, by calling people dickheads for expressing their opinions I can't see you being much different then the people you describe in your post.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FAAmecanic 5 Posted June 17, 2012 You're entitled to your opinion but when you express it on a forum you've got to be prepared for others to express counter opinions.Welcome to the internet.Yep.... the sad thing is 14 year olds have no manners or respect for others' date=' then there are 40 yr olds that act like 14 yr olds.Good post OP....+1 and totally agree with you.[/b'] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Horrible_Sniper 11 Posted June 17, 2012 Okay so been on the forum coming on a week and i get really annoyed by the attitude from hardcore dayz players. Really' date=' if someone doesn't like an update, don't just come to the assumption "hurp durp he must suck at this game, cause he obviously plays CoD... hurp derp" No you make yourselves look like dickheads nuff said. 1.7.1 update came out and basically some people find it too hard. Does it mean that all they play is CoD? Of course not so get the fucking idea out of your heads, stuck up forum brats. They think it is too hard and then when they come on you tell them to get off and go somewhere else. I think the game shouldn't be all harcore personally. Because then ROCKET would only sell the game to about 10-20% of the DayZ players.General gamers want to play a game that they find fun. If the update ruined that they should have the right to express their opinion without forum elitests ( you know who you are, the dickheads) slagging them off. And all I say is Let the hate toward me begin :heart:[/quote']Express your opinion all day, just don't expect everyone to agree with it. Also, the problem with your argument is... no one is buying DayZ, it's free right now, so Rocket can do what he wants, and you either play it or don't, that's it. It's been made clear over time that this game isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventure, BF4 or CoD95. If you don't like the difficulty, don't play, and if it's eventually for sale, don't buy it, it's that simple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aposky 20 Posted June 17, 2012 DayZ is survival game and suppose to be different. If you add handicap and arcadish elements from other games it turns into another Dead Island = not fun.DayZ is not just another shooter with zombies, it's unique game and suppose to stay that way.There are dozens, hundreds of casual zombie shooters made for wide audience where player doesn't need to bother with challenge, surviving or realism.I'm general gamer, I like all king of games if those are original and bring something fresh into PC gaming. I'm glad that DayZ isn't another KillingFloor/Left4Dead/zombie shooter, but first real survival game and that's what is best and fun about it.If DayZ is too big challenge, you have two options:- learn the game, try harder and if you fail try again, think about surviving, not running and gunning- choose something that fits your taste from here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted June 17, 2012 Absolutely wrong, in a lot of cases. See, theres expressing an opinion and ignorance. Most people posting are not using their wits and just blindly posting. People should read what's already there and avoid providing feedback about mechanics that everyone is obviously experiencing. Stop trying to act like opinions are being suppressed by the "hardcore fanboys". There are a group of people out here, too, who are taking a measured approach, know what they got into, and don't intend to give feedback derisive of the development team, or to sound like a twelve year old who is pissed that mom unplugged the DSL. if you deride the mods and call them names, I will mercilessly troll you and be as irritating to you as my time allows. If you are repetitive about reporting something that's common knowledge, I will say so. If your criticism is constructive, I might say so. If you whine and rage and talk about how "the game" is dying, I will deride you and try to make you leave. Opinions, fine. If you some into the house and immediately take a shit on the coffee table because you don't like it, expect the doorknob up your ass on the way out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esaciar 1 Posted June 17, 2012 Both sides are prone to outbursts. We fanboys are vehemently protective of Day Z. We have no real right to be, but that's how it goes.New members, by equal measure, can seem all too...conascending when critiquing the game, seeming to forget that many have been around in a gradual process that needs time and nurturing.Both sides are as guilty as the other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrperson666 0 Posted June 17, 2012 The "hardcore" fanboys are pretty lame. They don't seem to get the point that constructive feedback, positive and negative, is pretty handy for an alpha.I mean, jeez, for such supposedly "hardcore" people, they have the thinest skins I've ever seen. They freak out at the slightest touch and scream "STFU PUSSIES!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joey (DayZ) 1 Posted June 17, 2012 I agree, If Rocket wants to cater to the HARDCORE (overweight losers with no life, who want to live in a virtual reality), then so be it. He can do whatever he wants with his mod. But if he ever wants this to be a stand alone game, and be a successful one at that, then he needs to ease it up a bit. I'm going to be waiting for the next patch before I get back into it for now. Also it's not the "hardcore" of it that is turning me off, it's the fact that it's getting boring as hell. Crawling around for hours on end is not my idea of fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 17, 2012 I am sick and tired of games being watered down for the casual gamer market, DayZ is refreshingly different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genki Dama 49 Posted June 17, 2012 Absolutely wrong' date=' in a lot of cases. See, theres expressing an opinion and ignorance. Most people posting are not using their wits and just blindly posting. People should read what's already there and avoid providing feedback about mechanics that everyone is obviously experiencing. Stop trying to act like opinions are being suppressed by the "hardcore fanboys". There are a group of people out here, too, who are taking a measured approach, know what they got into, and don't intend to give feedback derisive of the development team, or to sound like a twelve year old who is pissed that mom unplugged the DSL. if you deride the mods and call them names, I will mercilessly troll you and be as irritating to you as my time allows. If you are repetitive about reporting something that's common knowledge, I will say so. If your criticism is constructive, I might say so. If you whine and rage and talk about how "the game" is dying, I will deride you and try to make you leave. Opinions, fine. If you some into the house and immediately take a shit on the coffee table because you don't like it, expect the doorknob up your ass on the way out.[/quote']Im sorry, but from all the thread I have looked at you tend to tell people "go away"exactly that's what annoys me. We have a common cause to make this game better, but one group is having conflicting views with the other. And unfortunately the hardcore gamers are sometime in the minority :( which is good for them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 17, 2012 I agree' date=' If Rocket wants to cater to the HARDCORE (overweight losers with no life, who want to live in a virtual reality), then so be it. He can do whatever he wants with his mod. But if he ever wants this to be a stand alone game, and be a successful one at that, then he needs to ease it up a bit. I'm going to be waiting for the next patch before I get back into it for now. Also it's not the "hardcore" of it that is turning me off, it's the fact that it's getting boring as hell. Crawling around for hours on end is not my idea of fun.[/quote']Thats the thing, he doesn't care about those things. This mod is aimed towards the hardcore crowd. If you don't like it don't play it, no need to whine about it. Its quite simple really. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 17, 2012 Even before the 1.7.1 patch I was crawling in every town so I see very little difference in that respect. Once the spawning bug is fixed I'm sure the gameplay will be fine... though at the moment its obscenely difficult but thats mainly due to the spawn bug.Killing 3 zombies at a deer stand is just as easy as it was in 1.7.0, its just 70 zombies that spawn after that make it tough :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
allbusiness 5 Posted June 17, 2012 There's a difference between hardcore gamers and fanboys. Hardcore gamers want a game that is challenging and realistic and logical within its own rulesets. Fanboys will defend the game no matter the flaws.1.71 is not challenging within its own rulesets. It breaks immersion completely by removing the stealth element out of the game, especially considering the spawn rate of Zombies at the moment. A zombie can be looking at you from a mile out and you'll pretty much be zeroed in instantly.I can understand the experiment with the "no weapons" at spawning, but really its only a disaster so far. I've only see tons of complaints by players in the side chat that the game really isn't even challenging at this point; it's just dumb. Maybe a re implementation of it later when the Zombies are abit less buggy it would be a nice idea. Right now though, it's important to keep the player population up as high as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esaciar 1 Posted June 17, 2012 Wow. Hardcore gamers are fat losers?I thought that myth was dispelled about a decade ago?Obviously not.Not that I'm hardcore, you understand. But I think the rash conclusion you have come to is rather narrow minded and short sighted.Why should the core fan base have to adapt to the wishes of those who steal in on a project after months of input? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
worbat 13 Posted June 17, 2012 This is an anti game.It is not going to hold your hand.It more like older games like the old SMNT (that one level) Modern games rarely offer a challange to people even on hard dificulties.GGnore Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lodestar 3 Posted June 17, 2012 General gamers want to play a game that they find fun. If the update ruined that they should have the right to express their opinion without forum elitests ( you know who you are' date=' the dickheads) slagging them off. [/quote']You're 100% right, but there are no DayZ gamers. Everyone playing DayZ is a tester. When you use any software in alpha stage you expect to find bugs and report them constructively. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finalstraw 193 Posted June 17, 2012 Urgh, not even out of Alpha and noobs already trying to dumb it down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dogsbd 12 Posted June 17, 2012 Being a hardcore games does not mean it has to be ridiculously hard, stupidly hard to play, unbearably painful to play.That is something the fan boys don't get. They say "take away my starting gun, my food, drink and bandages! Make me start naked, bleeding and with 2 broken legs lying on the beach!" And they think crawling, scrapping along for hours trying to find supplies only to be killed 2 hours into your fruitless search is FUN. Well maybe it is to them, but not to 99% of the human race. And the ultimate goal of this mod is to be a MARKETABLE PRODUCT. Yes people, it is about MONEY. The FREE MARKET. CAPITALISM!!!!!! Rock On Capitalism!!Ahem...They claim they want realism, that all others are pansies and carebears. What they want is something the vast majority of the public is NOT going to pay for.There needs to be a compromise. There need to be servers with varying degrees of difficulty. And loot you gather on a medium difficulty server can be carried over to a lesser difficulty server but not to a higher difficulty server. No collecting good gear on an easy server and then moving with it to a hardcore server. Or maybe that could be allowed, it really doesn't matter to me. But the attitude that this game needs to be tailored only to a select few who get off on unending grief will be the death of this mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enigma (DayZ) 0 Posted June 17, 2012 Okay so been on the forum coming on a week and i get really annoyed by the attitude from hardcore dayz players. Really' date=' if someone doesn't like an update, don't just come to the assumption "hurp durp he must suck at this game, cause he obviously plays CoD... hurp derp" No you make yourselves look like dickheads nuff said. 1.7.1 update came out and basically some people find it too hard. Does it mean that all they play is CoD? Of course not so get the fucking idea out of your heads, stuck up forum brats. They think it is too hard and then when they come on you tell them to get off and go somewhere else. I think the game shouldn't be all harcore personally. Because then ROCKET would only sell the game to about 10-20% of the DayZ players.General gamers want to play a game that they find fun. If the update ruined that they should have the right to express their opinion without forum elitests ( you know who you are, the dickheads) slagging them off. And all I say is Let the hate toward me begin :heart:[/quote']If its someones opinion that the "crybabies" and "care bears" are cod fan boys then that's their opinion.You are raging against people expressing their own opinions while defending you right to express yours?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgotha 0 Posted June 17, 2012 They claim they want realism' date=' that all others are pansies and carebears. What they want is something the vast majority of the public is NOT going to pay for.There needs to be a compromise.[/quote']Disagree, vehemently. Compromising gameplay elements for mass consumption is the very reason we fans of Dayz are so rabid to keep it "hardcore" as there is no other option of its caliber. Games across the board have become watered down and continually aim for the "middle ground" causing more generic experiences. Not to sound too over the top, but this mod came from nowhere for a lot of us and rekindled faith in a untouched-by-suits idea from a passionate developer. Things such as this are more and more rare everyday. There are plenty of hardcore fans in each genre to make a sizable profit for any project. Hell, it's not like Arma II itself was aiming at casual players either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RealSourLemonade 1 Posted June 17, 2012 Fanboy Logic:No way to constructively comeback at a suggestion: THIS IS AN ALPHA STOP COMPLAININGSuggestion that a patch makes the game too difficult: Forgets is an Alpha and Trolls people saying the patch is too much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
usszim 35 Posted June 17, 2012 The internet makes me cry :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites