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Looking for someone to play DayZ with

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Title says it all, I pretty much am looking for someone who wants to play DayZ (surviving) I am looking for someone that is either 15 or above, if so just PM me with your skype username and I will add you

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I found a real fun server to play on.. They call it factionZ.. Basically you choose to join the east or west faction and work together to take out the enemy. Its real fun if you like to work as a team. Also the server has no hackers which i thought was cool. It takes a short while to sign up but trust me.. its sooo worth it. Ive been playing it for a week or 2 now and I haven't had so much fun in a while.

Link to sign up:


Once you sign up you have to request access to join FactionZ.

If you have any problems then ask this admin.. hes pree helpful: http://servers.vigilantaddiction.com/index.php?/user/1-strikes/

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TBS Liquid are you good how long have you been playing for

I only have been playing for a couple of days but I actually learned a lot so I know pretty much the basics.

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