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Game is not using GPU -- low fps

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Getting the 10fps bug again. I had it a few patches ago and it was resolved by a subsequent DayZ patch. It was reported to have been caused by the server tracking a shitload of items or something. It's not graphics-related at all. I've also heard that a freshly-restarted server does not produce this bug; it get worse as the chache or something fills up and starts glitching out.

This is really sucky... :( please fix soon!

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This new update has really improved my FPS. Well done Rocket, the dev team, and the guy who found that client problem!

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WOWOWOWOWOWOW 80c?!?! Pretty sure It wouldnt run anything on the GPU if its that hot. My 5770HD Runs at less then 55c While playing Bf2/bf3 mw3...

My gpu runs at 39/40C idle. not much higher when the load is 50+

Im also trying to fix the low fps rate considering i have a higher tier PC and cant play this game much. I was thinking that maybe the PCs are too advanced for this game? Idk.

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lol, all i know is that i can play arma 2 fine, but when it comes to this mod, it just runs bad

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Had this exact same problem. GPU monitor reported 0% load running Day Z, and then 99% running ARMA II. Rolled back from 1.7.1 to 1.7 and the problem vanished. Radeon 6870.

No problems in other games, no clue as to why Day Z wouldn't use my GPU.

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Same Problem here.

HD Radeon 4890

Sometimes it is working after a few seconds.

Sometimes it's just horrible.

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Don't mean to bump, and I don't know if the main problem was resolved or anything.. but

I was getting pretty much the same frames as OP earlier (10-20 fps). I have a better CPU than OP too, and in some places I'd get even LOWER than 10 fps. I decided to switch servers then, and magically back up to 45-50 fps. So thank you whoever suggested that.

Edit: Just tried joining another server with 35 ping instead of the previous server's 20 ping. Went down to 35-40 fps.

Edited by Jorgenheim

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LOL @ "Game is not using GPU" Please educate yourself.

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