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The Shadow

Guy in the back...

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So we have the Bandits in the game and the Heroes, but is there anyone that doesnt kill everyone but yet doesnt help anyone?

I like to see myself as that shadow in the back, the guy that nobody notices but he notices everyone around him, just watching from the side line, stealthily roaming the lands unknown to everyone else.

I was just wondering if anyone else likes to play this role too?

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I definitely enjoy playing this way, when I first play DayZ I rolled solo for the longest time. I've always, and still use stealth as my tactic because really, if you don't, you're dead.

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That pretty much sums up how I play mostly. I wouldn't class myself as a hero or a bandit. When the SA rolls out though I may dust of my medic badge and get back to it.

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I play this role in real life.

Knows everything about the people around him yet has no information to give

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You mean playing solo...? Because in that case, yeah, a lot of people do it.

Well no, if i meant just playing solo, i would have said do you like to play on your own killing bandits and heroes etc. The point of my post was to see if any other people like myself like to play really really stealthy. Sit in bushes for a while just scoping out cities instead of running straight in etc. I was looking to make a nice discussion involving my interests here but i see you just like to come in and dum down the topics.

Edited by The Shadow

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The first weapon I hunted for while collecting gear for heading North was a CZ550. Everyone hates on the gun saying it is terrible but it suits my style. I play on the edge of cities. I only run in when i need supplies or to check for military gear. Most of the food i eat is cooked meat and I will do whatever I can to avoid people, but will take a shot if threatened. They don't need to see me, but the chance of getting spotted is enough unless I know i can evade them. I sometimes play with a friend, yet I have a tent hidden from even him just so i always have my supplies and less need to go into civilization.

I'm not a bandit, I will help or give blood if watching someone long enough to know their style and if trust worthy...but normally, you will never see me.

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The Ghost my Favourite Role I take a UAZ up to Highly Populated areas get shot at then Disappear like a Mountain Bambi into the trees and suddenly out of no where the guy drops dead Ive looped around on Foot and Filled his head and occasionally his car with Lead from my M4A3 CCO and my Trusty M1911 that on Many Occasion I want to slide to my friend Captain Price Style

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I'm the same Shadow. I'll just roam around, I'll slip into a city and out without anyone knowing otherwise. If I feel the least bit threatened, you're in for a fight. Any bambis, or genuinely friendly people I'll help out, with blood, food, ammo, or even a ride if I happen to be capable. However I do make a point of capping bandits on sight. I hate a damn bandit.

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I guess I am like a shadow I would watch other people kill each other but whoever would be the last man standing in the battle I would put a bullet in his head. Then loot them and leave without a trace.

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Check out the Cherno Journo's interview with Mandalore. This seems to be a popular play style, especially for solo players. I nearly always play solo and I've found that avoidance is the best option assuming that survival is your primary goal. Of course, you could theoretically survive indefinitely without ever having to go near trafficked areas, but that would be boring. At the moment, My goal is to assemble 2-3 camps with similar equipment, weapons, vehicles, etc so that if I get killed I can gear up again without having to run all over the damn place. I stay behind the treeline, go into the smaller towns like Pustoshka, Polana, Zelenogorsk, and Berezino if I really need the medical supplies, and hit up deer stands, barns, and heli crash sites for my weapons and ammo. If I see another player, I avoid them as long as I can. If I can't avoid them, I kill them. I'm on day 18 at this point, which is the longest I've ever survived.

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I am on Day 6 (server was wiped or I would of been on 10) with this character, Ghillie Suit and Camo SVD make surviving a bit easier ;) but i normally opt for my Survivor clothing and my CZ550 when around towns just due to the fact that i avoid people to the point where i dont need the camo. I have my lone wolf tent hidden in one place and then my food/ammo tent close to my friend's tent in another place for our group.

The best part is I play on a private white list server so everyone has an idea who everyone is...they know my primary operating area yet no one has found me yet so I have done a decent job so far with hiding.

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This is more or less how I play, it's probaly a good strategy to survive altough i'm getting a little borred by now. I'm currently on day 48, and my last deaths before that were caused by either hackers, glitches or one sided traffic accidents, those wooden fences are lethal.

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Raises hand at the back...

Staying away from others and only going into the smaller towns when utterly necessary is how I play.

I get twitchy when there isn't at least one row of trees between me and open spaces. I always scope out buildings before sneaking in for a spot of looting.

Have watched a bunch of other players run around killing each other from a safe distance and have been tempted to loot them, but I just know that someone's sitting out there with an AS50 waiting.

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That's me alright. I hide in the trees until I need meat, water or build a fire to warm up.

The few times I had the pleasure of meeting fellow DayZ-ers, I was unarmed and I ended up getting shot within 10 seconds even though I wasn't doing anything harmful. I didn't have a headset back then so I couldn't call out friendly and now that I got one, I don't call out, period :P - you just won't see me lurking in that tree (I hope).

Once I'm skilled enough to defend myself, I'll probably head out and start helping others but for now I just lay low.

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i relatively play like this, when im in a building or city and i hear gunshots even if they're friendly, i drop everything and head for the nearest treeline, i prefer camo clothing because it blends in well with the forrest and when you see players you have a second or 2 reaction to see if they are a zed or not but there isn't any of that if you're a walking bush (whore innuendo not intended) i like to go guns blazing if im gonna die anyways but i try to stay away from other players till they're dead

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