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this is gonna sound weird...

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You should not trust someone with a hatched, gun. It happen to me a billion times that i get killed by them :/ it's your decision to run to them and say HEY HELLO but i think you should not trust them,

because they can betray you or loot you... If they found a weapon ofcourse.

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wow i never expected this thread to be so popular, but i have resolved the issue, im just going to avoid ppl but if they see me ill drop them, i have a small group of friends that i play with (not as a group just individually) and the funniest but angriest thing happened yesterday

My best friend and I finally played dayz together for the first time even though weve had it for months, and we both spawned at kamenko, we found the end of the road by accident and proceeded to the debug hills but we didnt know it at the time because we were in a forrest and eventually we had to kill ourselves, then we respawned at elektro, we looted for a while, i had an hatchet, he had an enfield, and i was about to loot an office building with him on top of the hospital for overwatch, we proceeded military style (we love doing military RP's on halo 4) and i entered from the front because they would expect ppl from the main entrance but we were there 15 minutes so far and we didnt hear any gunshots, i saw a dude with a gun (either AK or makarov, cant remember) and he said friendly, we didnt believe him so i tried to draw him out, only to find he was backed by a whole bucking camp! we commenced operation "get the fuck out of dodge" after an unarmed player took refuge on the roof and left, and we thought she was a scout, she may have been, but after multiple gunshots, we took refuge in a log cabin by the coast hoping for them to pass us and give up before we left, but we eventually fled different ways because we reconsidered, and accidentally fled different ways to the docks and factory, after regrouping in the northern hill, we proceeded to cherno, looting houses and a gas station on the way, at the halfway mark or so, we found a barn that we were gonna stop at, right near the entrance, there was a player with what we thought of as a gun, so i killed him, he actually had a flashlight and he was already dead but it lagged, then we looted the barn and he said he was gonna get some water while i looted the rest of the town, i found another dead body with an empty crossbow and i grabbed it thinking i was gonna show my friend, i realized i left my hatchet in the longhouse even though i tried putting it in my toolbelt, but i heard movement outside, i wasnt sure if it was zombie or player, but i was too shocke to go for another hatchet in the barn, eventually a ghillie suited AK player came up my stairs, i hid behind the hay pile, but he still saw me, killed both of us, and when my friend finally got back a minute or so after we died, i was pissed, turns out he was helping his mom with her surgery :|

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each and every single time i team up with those i do not know very well (ie having not played much with them) i am on edge, paranoid and willing to shoot at any moment.

i am always thinking 'do i survive better with this person or with this person's gear?' i have never taken the latter. and i also always think that the person or persons i have partnered with are asking themselves the very same question.

i like playing with others. it makes things a lot more interesting. but, when i see someone with their gun on me and we are partners, or if they are right behind me a lot i get worried. i will tell them to stop it. if they do not things can get bad. i will if possible just lose them in the forest or a town. if that is not a possibility i will put my gun on them and back away warning them not to follow or i will shoot.

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I really enjoy the rare moments when you actually meet some friendlies... makes the game more fun for me.

Tonight I helped someone by giving blood and morph.... on comms and all good for a long time. He then shot me in the back with an enfield. Crap aim though :) as I just turned round and fired one shot with the winchester and took him out. It happened again with another just after... bad aim, winchester to head.

The way I see it is that just killing all or avoiding all are steps too far, a lot of the fun for me is using judgement and learning how best to react to situations.

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You just have to try and quickly gauge them using the VoIP chat.

Also, if they sound like they haven't hit puberty, just shoot them, they are always the ones who try shoot you first. Always.

I tend not to trust anyone straight away, even if they help me; it's good to be a little paranoid ;D

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