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Igor (DayZ)

Did Arma II's Franchise get saved by DayZ Mod?

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Operation Flashpoint did very good at release since it was a revolutionary game at this time. The Arma series did sell always quiete good aswell, the game itself stayed in the simulation niche. There is actually no alternative on the market, it is just currently the best combined arms military game. Arma 2 just got more well known with the DayZ mod, which is great for the genre and for the game series in the future. There will be always good mods available for the Arma games. DayZ was definately a big boost and Arma 2 did hit mainstream with it.

Some numbers I could find from 2009, could not find something so far about Arma 2 sales:

"Operation Flashpoint, Bohemia Interactive's debut game published by Codemasters in 2001, became the No. 1 bestselling PC game around the world and has won many international awards, including "Game of The Year" and "Best Action Game." Over 2 million copies of Operation Flashpoint have been sold since its release. Bohemia Interactive's second major release, ArmA: Armed Assault (also known as ArmA: Combat Operations), followed in 2007 and sold over 400,000 copies on PC through various local publishing partners."


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You guys are looking at it the wrong way though. The game and developers itself were always fine hence Arma 3. However, the games have always been filled with horrible bugs, hacks, poor animations etc.

In a sense the game has been saved in terms of production quality. BI now has the potential funds it needs to improve or revamp the Arma engine, add more creative staff or fix server side bugs, hacks and expand upon its community with more mod support or whatever.

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NO, i played arma 2 long before this mod came out, this game was worth buying in 2009 just for the modding potential alone.

Subsequently i bought Operation Arrowhead just for the project reality mod, but they are cool games in their own right. Although they never quite had the same effect on me as Operation Flashpoint did, I think due to the Booyah americanism of the whole thing. I would like to see a more European themed Arma i.e UN/NATO

Hopefully Arma 3 campaign will be an improvement.

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