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[New Series] Bandit Brothers - Arma 2: DayZ Mod - Ep.1

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My new Series, 3 Brothers fight to survive at all costs. Even if it means stepping on their humanity. Its hell out there but its us versus them. We will find each other and make it through this.

Edited by De4dCert

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Honestly no, the tipping point was when he said he had a friend ready to shoot me. I thought he was not telling us the truth and could not spot the other player. So the choice was simple we meet the other hero and group up was our thoughts. But his friend never showed. We thought we would be shot at as we moved out. Damn DayZ always gives me mixed feelings about the choices you make just brilliant. We never started as bandits but as soon as we cruised into town with a car we fixed up it was blown up by that sniper I shot at the start and well I was bandit.

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Yeah I have to admit, when I heard that he had a sniper locked on you I called BS straight away. Given your position, highly highly unlikely.

The guy didn't help himself considering the situation he was in.

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We healed him up at first with good intent. I have used this tactic in the past and it got me free. It's just I had over watch and was confident. But as we took him to the point he started to fight so the result was set.

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